#!/bin/bash # This file is part of Firejail project # Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Firejail Authors # License GPL v2 # # Usage: firejail-welcome PROGRAM SYSCONFDIR # where PROGRAM is detected and driven by firecfg. # SYSCONFDIR is most of the time /etc/firejail. # # The plan is to go with zenity by default. If zenity is not installed # we will provide a console-only replacement in /usr/lib/firejail/fzenity # PROGRAM=$1 SYSCONFDIR=$2 if ! command -v $PROGRAM >/dev/null; then echo "Please install $PROGRAM." exit 1 fi export LANG=en_US.UTF8 TITLE="Firejail Configuration Guide" sed_scripts=() run_firecfg=false enable_u2f=false enable_drm=false enable_seccomp_kill=false enable_restricted_net=false enable_nonewprivs=false #****************************************************** # Intro #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_INTRO <Welcome to Firejail! This guide will walk you through some of the most common sandbox customizations. At the end of the guide you'll have the option to save your changes in Firejail's global config file at /etc/firejail/firejail.config. A copy of the original file is stored as /etc/firejal/firejail.config-. Please note that running this script a second time can set new options, but does not clear options set in a previous run. Press OK to continue, or close this window to stop the program. EOM $PROGRAM --title="$TITLE" --info --width=600 --height=40 --text="$MSG_INTRO" [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && exit 0 #****************************************************** # symlinks #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_Q_RUN_FIRECFG <Should most programs be sandboxed by default? Currently, Firejail recognizes more than 1000 regular desktop programs. These programs can be sandboxed automatically when you start them. EOM if $PROGRAM --title="$TITLE" --question --ellipsize --text="$MSG_Q_RUN_FIRECFG"; then run_firecfg=true fi [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && exit 0 #****************************************************** # U2F #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_Q_BROWSER_DISABLE_U2F <Should browsers be allowed to access u2f hardware? Universal Two-Factor (U2F) devices are used as a password store for online accounts. These devices usually come in a form of a USB key. EOM if $PROGRAM --title="$TITLE" --question --ellipsize --text="$MSG_Q_BROWSER_DISABLE_U2F"; then enable_u2f=true sed_scripts+=("-e s/# browser-disable-u2f yes/browser-disable-u2f no/") fi #****************************************************** # DRM #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_Q_BROWSER_ALLOW_DRM <Should browsers be able to play DRM content? The home directory is noexec,nodev,nosuid by default for most applications. This means that executing programs located in your home directory is forbidden. Browsers install proprietary DRM plug-ins such as Widevine in your home directory. In order to use them, your home must be mounted exec inside the sandbox. This may give the people developing and distributing the plug-in access to your private data. NOTE: Software written in an interpreted language such as bash, python or java can always be started from home directory. HINT: If /home has its own partition, you can mount it nodev,nosuid for all programs. EOM if $PROGRAM --title="$TITLE" --question --ellipsize --text="$MSG_Q_BROWSER_ALLOW_DRM"; then enable_drm=true sed_scripts+=("-e s/# browser-allow-drm no/browser-allow-drm yes/") fi #****************************************************** # nonewprivs #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_Q_NONEWPRIVS <Should we force nonweprivs by default? nonewprivs is a Linux kernel feature that prevents programs from rising privileges. It is also a strong mitigation against exploits in Firejail. However, some programs like chromium, wireshark, or even ping might not work. NOTE: seccomp enables nonewprivs automatically. Most applications supported by default by Firejail are using seccomp. EOM if $PROGRAM --title="$TITLE" --question --ellipsize --text="$MSG_Q_NONEWPRIVS"; then enable_nonewprivs=true sed_scripts+=("-e s/# force-nonewprivs no/force-nonewprivs yes/") fi #****************************************************** # restricted network #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_Q_NETWORK <Should we restrict network functionality? Restrict all network related commands except 'net none' to root only. EOM if $PROGRAM --title="$TITLE" --question --ellipsize --text="$MSG_Q_NETWORK"; then enable_restricted_net=true sed_scripts+=("-e s/# restricted-network no/restricted-network yes/") fi #****************************************************** # seccomp kill #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_Q_SECCOMP <Should we kill programs that violate seccomp rules? By default seccomp prevents the program from running the syscall and returns an error. EOM if $PROGRAM --title="$TITLE" --question --ellipsize --text="$MSG_Q_SECCOMP"; then enable_seccomp_kill=true sed_scripts+=("-e s/# seccomp-error-action EPERM/seccomp-error-action kill/") fi #****************************************************** # root #****************************************************** read -r -d $'\0' MSG_RUN <