# /usr/lib/firejail/firecfg.config - firecfg utility configuration file # This is the list of programs handled by firecfg utility # # astronomy gpredict stellarium # bittorrent/ftp deluge dropbox filezilla qbittorrent rtorrent transmission-gtk transmission-qt transmission-cli transmission-show uget-gtk wget # browsers/email abrowser brave chromium chromium-browser claws-mail conkeror cyberfox firefox firefox-esr flashpeak-slimjet epiphany dillo google-chrome google-chrome-beta google-chrome-stable google-chrome-unstable iceweasel icecat icedove kmail midori mutt netsurf opera-beta opera palemoon qutebrowser start-tor-browser seamonkey seamonkey-bin thunderbird vivaldi-beta vivaldi evolution elinks lynx w3m # chat/messaging bitlbee corebird # Cryptocat is added but commented since isn't installed to a */bin... keep an eye on this empathy gitter hexchat jitsi konversation pidgin polari psi-plus qtox quassel skype telegram weechat weechat-curses wire xchat # dns dnscrypt-proxy dnsmaq unbound # emulators/compatibility layers mupen64plus wine dosbox virtualbox qemu-launcher qemu-system-x86_64 # games 0ad gnome-chess hedgewars steam wesnot warzone2100 # Media amarok audacious audacity bleachbit brasero clementine cmus deadbeef display dolphin dragon exiftool feh gjs gnome-books gnome-clocks gnome-documents gnome-maps gnome-mplayer gnome-music goobox google-play-music-desktop-player img2txt k3b mediainfo mpv nautilus parole rhythmbox simple-scan skanlite spotify totem vlc xfburn xplayer xviewer eom # news readers quiterss # office atril cherrytree evince fbreader gedit gimp gthumb gwenview highlight inkscape kate libreoffice localc lodraw loffice lofromtemplate loimpress lomath loweb lowriter luminance-hdr mupdf qpdfview soffice synfigstudio Mathematica mathematica odt2txt okular pdftotext pix xpdf xreader zathura openshot flowblade eog # other atom atom-beta gpa gpg # don't run ssh-agent and gpg-agent with firejail by default # this will break many processes using them in the background # ssh-agent # gpg-agent git ranger keepass keepass2 keepassx pluma ssh tracker xiphos xed xpra # weather/climate aweather gnome-weather # compressing tools ark atool file-roller # when used by other processes in the background, it will break stuff #7z #cpio #gtar #gzip #tar #unrar #unzip #xz #xzdec