# Firejail profile for thunderbird # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include /etc/firejail/thunderbird.local # Persistent global definitions include /etc/firejail/globals.local # Users have thunderbird set to open a browser by clicking a link in an email # We are not allowed to blacklist browser-specific directories noblacklist ~/.cache/thunderbird noblacklist ~/.gnupg noblacklist ~/.icedove noblacklist ~/.thunderbird mkdir ~/.cache/thunderbird mkdir ~/.gnupg mkdir ~/.icedove mkdir ~/.thunderbird whitelist ~/.cache/thunderbird whitelist ~/.gnupg whitelist ~/.icedove whitelist ~/.thunderbird include /etc/firejail/whitelist-common.inc include /etc/firejail/whitelist-var-common.inc # We need the real /tmp for data exchange when xdg-open handles email attachments on KDE ignore private-tmp machine-id disable-mnt read-only ~/.config/mimeapps.list # allow browsers # Redirect include /etc/firejail/firefox.profile