# Firejail profile for PROGRAM_NAME # Description: DESCRIPTION # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include PROFILE.local # Persistent global definitions # added by included profile #include globals.local #NOTE: keep include globals.local commented, except when redirecting to a *-common.profile # For more information, see profile.template # Ignoring option(s) from the included profile #ignore net none #ignore private-bin #ignore seccomp #... # Additional noblacklisting (when needed) #noblacklist PATH # Additional allow includes (when needed) # Additional blacklisting (when needed) #blacklist PATH # Additional whitelisting (when needed) #NOTE: never use mkdir/mkfile when 'private' is set (see https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/issues/903) #mkdir PATH ##mkfile PATH #whitelist PATH # Additional options (when needed) # Additional private-options (when needed) # Add programs to private-bin (when needed) #private-bin PROGRAMS # Add files to private-etc (when needed) #private-etc FILES # Additional special options (when needed) # Redirect include PROFILE.profile