# Firejail profile for psi # Description: Native XMPP client with GPG support # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include psi.local # Persistent global definitions include globals.local # Add the next line to your psi.local to enable GPG support. #noblacklist ${HOME}/.gnupg noblacklist ${HOME}/.cache/psi noblacklist ${HOME}/.cache/Psi noblacklist ${HOME}/.config/psi noblacklist ${HOME}/.local/share/psi noblacklist ${HOME}/.local/share/Psi include disable-common.inc include disable-devel.inc include disable-exec.inc include disable-interpreters.inc include disable-programs.inc include disable-shell.inc include disable-xdg.inc # Add the next line to your psi.local to enable GPG support. #mkdir ${HOME}/.gnupg mkdir ${HOME}/.cache/psi mkdir ${HOME}/.cache/Psi mkdir ${HOME}/.config/psi mkdir ${HOME}/.local/share/psi mkdir ${HOME}/.local/share/Psi # Add the next line to your psi.local to enable GPG support. #whitelist ${HOME}/.gnupg whitelist ${HOME}/.cache/psi whitelist ${HOME}/.cache/Psi whitelist ${HOME}/.config/psi whitelist ${HOME}/.local/share/psi whitelist ${HOME}/.local/share/Psi whitelist ${DOWNLOADS} # Add the next lines to your psi.local to enable GPG support. #whitelist /usr/share/gnupg #whitelist /usr/share/gnupg2 whitelist /usr/share/psi # Add the next lines to your psi.local to enable GPG support. #whitelist ${RUNUSER}/gnupg #whitelist ${RUNUSER}/keyring include whitelist-common.inc include whitelist-runuser-common.inc include whitelist-usr-share-common.inc include whitelist-var-common.inc apparmor caps.drop all netfilter nodvd nogroups noinput nonewprivs noroot notv novideo nou2f protocol unix,inet,inet6,netlink seccomp !chroot #tracelog # breaks on Arch disable-mnt # Add the next line to your psi.local to enable GPG support. #private-bin gpg,gpg2,gpg-agent,pinentry-curses,pinentry-emacs,pinentry-fltk,pinentry-gnome3,pinentry-gtk,pinentry-gtk2,pinentry-gtk-2,pinentry-qt,pinentry-qt4,pinentry-tty,pinentry-x2go,pinentry-kwallet private-bin getopt,psi private-cache private-dev private-etc @tls-ca,@x11 private-tmp dbus-user none dbus-system none #restrict-namespaces