# Firejail profile for liferea # Description: Feed/news/podcast client with plugin support # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include liferea.local # Persistent global definitions include globals.local nodeny ${HOME}/.cache/liferea nodeny ${HOME}/.config/liferea nodeny ${HOME}/.local/share/liferea # Allow python (blacklisted by disable-interpreters.inc) include allow-python2.inc include allow-python3.inc include disable-common.inc include disable-devel.inc include disable-exec.inc include disable-interpreters.inc include disable-passwdmgr.inc include disable-programs.inc mkdir ${HOME}/.cache/liferea mkdir ${HOME}/.config/liferea mkdir ${HOME}/.local/share/liferea allow ${HOME}/.cache/liferea allow ${HOME}/.config/liferea allow ${HOME}/.local/share/liferea allow /usr/share/liferea include whitelist-common.inc include whitelist-usr-share-common.inc include whitelist-var-common.inc caps.drop all netfilter # no3d nodvd nogroups noinput nonewprivs noroot # nosound notv nou2f novideo protocol unix,inet,inet6 seccomp shell none tracelog disable-mnt private-dev private-tmp dbus-user filter dbus-user.own net.sourceforge.liferea dbus-user.talk ca.desrt.dconf # Add the next line to your liferea.local if you use the 'Popup Notifications' plugin. #dbus-user.talk org.freedesktop.Notifications # Add the next line to your liferea.local if you use the 'Libsecret Support' plugin. #dbus-user.talk org.freedesktop.secrets dbus-system none