# Firejail profile for Librewolf # Description: Firefox fork based on privacy # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include librewolf.local # Persistent global definitions include globals.local noblacklist ${HOME}/.cache/librewolf noblacklist ${HOME}/.librewolf mkdir ${HOME}/.cache/librewolf mkdir ${HOME}/.librewolf whitelist ${HOME}/.cache/librewolf whitelist ${HOME}/.librewolf # Add the next lines to your librewolf.local if you want to use the migration wizard. #noblacklist ${HOME}/.mozilla #whitelist ${HOME}/.mozilla # To enable KeePassXC Plugin add one of the following lines to your librewolf.local. # NOTE: start KeePassXC before Librewolf and keep it open to allow communication between them. #whitelist ${RUNUSER}/kpxc_server #whitelist ${RUNUSER}/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.BrowserServer whitelist /usr/share/librewolf # Add the next line to your librewolf.local to enable private-bin (Arch Linux). #private-bin dbus-launch,dbus-send,librewolf,sh # Add the next line to your librewolf.local to enable private-etc. # NOTE: private-etc must first be enabled in firefox-common.local. #private-etc librewolf dbus-user filter dbus-user.own io.gitlab.librewolf.* dbus-user.own org.mozilla.librewolf.* # Add the next line to your librewolf.local to enable native notifications. #dbus-user.talk org.freedesktop.Notifications # Add the next line to your librewolf.local to allow inhibiting screensavers. #dbus-user.talk org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver # Add the next lines to your librewolf.local for plasma browser integration. #dbus-user.own org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.plasma-browser-integration #dbus-user.talk org.kde.JobViewServer #dbus-user.talk org.kde.kuiserver # Add the next line to your librewolf.local to allow screensharing under Wayland. #dbus-user.talk org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop # Also add the next line to your librewolf.local if screensharing does not work with # the above lines (depends on the portal implementation). #ignore noroot ignore apparmor ignore dbus-user none # Redirect include firefox-common.profile