# Firejail profile for google-earth-pro # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include google-earth-pro.local # Persistent global definitions # added by included profile #include globals.local # Google Earth Pro can show issues that make it unpleasant to use, even when running unsandboxed. # See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Google_Earth#Troubleshooting for details. # Firejailing this application will demand extra work, as there are issues only upstream can fix (see #3906). # As an alternative one could use the web version: https://earth.google.com/web/. # The desktop version from the AUR can be made to work with firejail by appending the below snippet # to /usr/bin/googleearth-pro: # <--- snippet ---> # Post-shutdown cleaning #_lock_app_running="${HOME}/.googleearth/instance-running-lock" #[[ -L "$_lock_app_running" ]] && rm -f "${_lock_app_running:?}" #_lock_collada_cache="/tmp/geColladaModelCacheLock" #[[ -e "$_lock_collada_cache" ]] && rm -f "${_lock_collada_cache:?}" #_lock_icon_cache="/tmp/geIconCacheLock" #[[ -e "$_lock_icon_cache" ]] && rm -f "${_lock_icon_cache:?}" # <--- end of snippet ---> # If you see errors about missing commands, uncomment the below or put 'ignore private-bin' into your google-earth-pro.local #ignore private-bin private-bin google-earth-pro,googleearth,googleearth-bin,gpsbabel,readlink,repair_tool,rm,which,xdg-mime,xdg-settings # Redirect include google-earth.profile