# Firejail profile for FireDragon # Description: Librewolf fork with enhanced KDE integration # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include firedragon.local # Persistent global definitions include globals.local nodeny ${HOME}/.cache/firedragon nodeny ${HOME}/.firedragon mkdir ${HOME}/.cache/firedragon mkdir ${HOME}/.firedragon allow ${HOME}/.cache/firedragon allow ${HOME}/.firedragon # Add the next lines to your firedragon.local if you want to use the migration wizard. #noblacklist ${HOME}/.mozilla #whitelist ${HOME}/.mozilla # FireDragon requires a shell to launch on Arch. We can possibly remove sh though. # Add the next line to your firedragon.local to enable private-bin. #private-bin bash,dbus-launch,dbus-send,env,firedragon,python*,sh,which # Redirect include firefox-common.profile