# Firejail profile for okular # Description: Universal document viewer # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include okular.local # Persistent global definitions include globals.local noblacklist ${HOME}/.cache/okular noblacklist ${HOME}/.config/okularpartrc noblacklist ${HOME}/.config/okularrc noblacklist ${HOME}/.kde/share/apps/okular noblacklist ${HOME}/.kde/share/config/okularpartrc noblacklist ${HOME}/.kde/share/config/okularrc noblacklist ${HOME}/.kde4/share/apps/okular noblacklist ${HOME}/.kde4/share/config/okularpartrc noblacklist ${HOME}/.kde4/share/config/okularrc noblacklist ${HOME}/.local/share/okular noblacklist ${DOCUMENTS} include disable-common.inc include disable-devel.inc include disable-interpreters.inc include disable-passwdmgr.inc include disable-programs.inc include disable-xdg.inc include whitelist-var-common.inc apparmor caps.drop all # machine-id breaks audio; it should work fine in setups where sound is not required machine-id # net none netfilter # nodbus nodvd nogroups nonewprivs noroot nosound notv nou2f novideo protocol unix seccomp shell none tracelog private-bin okular,kbuildsycoca4,kdeinit4,lpr private-dev private-etc alternatives,cups,fonts,kde4rc,kde5rc,ld.so.cache,machine-id,xdg # private-tmp - on KDE we need access to the real /tmp for data exchange with email clients # memory-deny-write-execute noexec ${HOME} noexec /tmp join-or-start okular