# /etc/firejail/ids.config - configuration file for Firejail's Intrusion Detection System # # Each line is a file or directory name such as # /usr/bin # or # ${HOME}/Desktop/*.desktop # # ${HOME} is expanded to user home directory, and * is the regular # globbing match for zero or more characters. # # File or directory names starting with ! are not scanned. For example # !${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts # ${HOME}/.ssh # will scan all files in ~/.ssh directory with the exception of knonw_hosts # # This config file is overwritten when a new version of Firejail is installed. # For global customization use /etc/firejal/ids.config.local. include ids.config.local ### system executables ### /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/games /usr/libexec ### user executables ### #/usr/local #/opt ### system libraries ### #/lib #/usr/lib #/usr/lib32 #/usr/lib64 #/usr/libx32 ### shells local ### ${HOME}/.bashrc # bash ${HOME}/.bash_profile ${HOME}/.bash_login ${HOME}/.bash_logout ${HOME}/.zshenv #zsh ${HOME}/.zshprofile ${HOME}/.zshrc ${HOME}/.zlogin ${HOME}/.zlogout ${HOME}/.config/fish/config.fish # fish ${HOME}/.profile # others ${HOME}/.login ${HOME}/.logout ${HOME}/.cshrc ${HOME}/.tcshrc ${HOME}/.kshrc ### shells global ### /etc/shells # all /etc/profile /etc/profile.d /etc/environment /etc/skel /etc/dircolors /etc/bash.bashrc # bash /etc/bash_completion* /etc/bashrc /etc/zshenv # zsh /etc/zprofile /etc/zshrc /etc/zlogin /etc/zlogout /etc/fish # fish /etc/complete.tcsh # tcsh /etc/csh.cshrc /etc/csh.login /etc/csh.logout /etc/ksh.kshrc # ksh ### X11 ### ${HOME}/.xsessionrc ${HOME}/.xsession ${HOME}/.Xsession ${HOME}/.xinitrc ${HOME}/.xprofile ${HOME}/.xmodmaprc ${HOME}/.xserverrc ${HOME}/.Xresurces /etc/X11 ### window/desktop manager ### ${HOME}/.config/autostart ${HOME}/Desktop/*.desktop ${HOME}/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart ${HOME}/.gnomerc ${HOME}/.gtkrc ${HOME}/.kderc ### security ### ${HOME}/.gnupg ${HOME}/.config/firejail /etc/apparmor* /etc/selinux /etc/security /etc/group* /etc/gshadow* /etc/passwd* /etc/shadow* /etc/pam.* /etc/sudoers* /etc/securetty /etc/cracklib /etc/libaudit.conf /etc/tripwire /etc/aide /etc/chkrootkit.conf /etc/rkhunter.conf *** network security *** /etc/services /etc/hosts.* /etc/ssl /etc/ca-certificates* /usr/share/ca-certificates !${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts # excluding ${HOME}/.ssh /etc/ssh /etc/snort /etc/wireshark ### system config ### /etc/default /etc/crontab /etc/cron.*