# This file is overwritten during software install. # Persistent customizations should go in a .local file. include disable-interpreters.local # Lua blacklist ${PATH}/lua* blacklist /usr/include/lua* blacklist /usr/lib/lua blacklist /usr/share/lua # Node.js blacklist ${PATH}/node blacklist /usr/include/node # nvm blacklist ${HOME}/.nvm # Perl blacklist ${PATH}/cpan* blacklist ${PATH}/core_perl blacklist ${PATH}/perl blacklist ${PATH}/site_perl blacklist ${PATH}/vendor_perl blacklist /usr/lib/perl* blacklist /usr/share/perl* # PHP blacklist ${PATH}/php* blacklist /usr/lib/php* blacklist /usr/share/php* # Ruby blacklist ${PATH}/ruby blacklist /usr/lib/ruby # Programs using python: deluge, firefox addons, filezilla, cherrytree, xchat, hexchat, libreoffice, scribus # Python 2 blacklist ${PATH}/python2* blacklist /usr/include/python2* blacklist /usr/lib/python2* blacklist /usr/local/lib/python2* blacklist /usr/share/python2* # You will want to add noblacklist for python3 stuff in the firefox and/or chromium profiles if you use the Gnome connector (see Issue #2026) # Python 3 blacklist ${PATH}/python3* blacklist /usr/include/python3* blacklist /usr/lib/python3* blacklist /usr/lib64/python3* blacklist /usr/local/lib/python3* blacklist /usr/share/python3*