# Site-specific additions and overrides for 'firejail-default'. # For more details, please see /etc/apparmor.d/local/README. # Here are some examples to allow running programs from your home directory. # Don't enable all of these, just pick a specific one or write a custom rule # instead as done below for torbrowser-launcher. #owner @HOME/** ix, #owner @HOME/bin/** ix, #owner @HOME/.local/bin/** ix, # Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for brave + ipfs #owner @{HOME}/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/oecghfpdmkjlhnfpmmjegjacfimiafjp/*/** ix, # Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for brave + tor #owner @{HOME}/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/biahpgbdmdkfgndcmfiipgcebobojjkp/*/** ix, # Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for firefox DRM (gmp-widevinecdm) #owner @{HOME}/.mozilla/firefox/*/gm*/** ix, # Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for firefox native-messaging-hosts under ${HOME} #owner @{HOME}/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/** ix, # Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for mullvad-browser under ${HOME} #owner @{HOME}/.local/share/mullvad-browser/** ix, # Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for torbrowser-launcher #owner @{HOME}/.local/share/torbrowser/tbb/{i686,x86_64}/tor-browser_*/Browser/** ix,