#!/bin/bash # This file is part of Firejail project # Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Firejail Authors # License GPL v2 set -x # gdb setuid helper script. # This script forks a background process as the current user which will # immediately send itself a `STOP` signal. Then gdb running as root will # attach to that process, which will send it the `CONT` signal to continue # execution. Then the backgrounded process will exec the program with the # given arguments. This will allow the root gdb to trace the unprivileged # setuid firejail process from the absolute beginning. if [ -z "${1##*/firejail}" ]; then FIREJAIL=$1 else # First argument is not named firejail, then add default unless environment # variable already set. set -- ${FIREJAIL:=$(command -v firejail)} "$@" fi bash -c "kill -STOP \$\$; exec \"\$0\" \"\$@\"" "$@" & sudo gdb -e "$FIREJAIL" -p "$!"