# Firejail [![Build Status](https://gitlab.com/Firejail/firejail_ci/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/Firejail/firejail_ci/pipelines/) [![CodeQL](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/workflows/CodeQL/badge.svg)](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/actions?query=workflow%3ACodeQL) [![Build CI](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/workflows/Build%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Build+CI%22) [![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/tiny-repos/firejail.svg)](https://repology.org/project/firejail/versions) Firejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces, seccomp-bpf and Linux capabilities. It allows a process and all its descendants to have their own private view of the globally shared kernel resources, such as the network stack, process table, mount table. Firejail can work in a SELinux or AppArmor environment, and it is integrated with Linux Control Groups. Written in C with virtually no dependencies, the software runs on any Linux computer with a 3.x kernel version or newer. It can sandbox any type of processes: servers, graphical applications, and even user login sessions. The software includes sandbox profiles for a number of more common Linux programs, such as Mozilla Firefox, Chromium, VLC, Transmission etc. The sandbox is lightweight, the overhead is low. There are no complicated configuration files to edit, no socket connections open, no daemons running in the background. All security features are implemented directly in Linux kernel and available on any Linux computer.
Advanced Browser Security
Advanced Browser Security
How To Disable Network Access
How To Disable Network Access
Deep Dive
Deep Dive
Project webpage: https://firejail.wordpress.com/ IRC: https://web.libera.chat/#firejail Download and Installation: https://firejail.wordpress.com/download-2/ Features: https://firejail.wordpress.com/features-3/ Documentation: https://firejail.wordpress.com/documentation-2/ FAQ: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions Wiki: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/wiki GitLab-CI status: https://gitlab.com/Firejail/firejail_ci/pipelines/ Video Channel: https://odysee.com/@netblue30:9?order=new Backup Video Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/profile/JSBsA1aoQVfW/ ## Security vulnerabilities We take security bugs very seriously. If you believe you have found one, please report it by emailing us at netblue30@protonmail.com ## Installing ### Debian Debian stable (bullseye): We recommend to use the [backports](https://packages.debian.org/bullseye-backports/firejail) package. ### Ubuntu For Ubuntu 18.04+ and derivatives (such as Linux Mint), users are **strongly advised** to use the [PPA](https://launchpad.net/~deki/+archive/ubuntu/firejail). How to add and install from the PPA: ```sh sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deki/firejail sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install firejail firejail-profiles ``` Reason: The firejail package for Ubuntu 20.04 has been left vulnerable to CVE-2021-26910 for months after a patch for it was posted on Launchpad: * [firejail version in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is vulnerable to CVE-2021-26910](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firejail/+bug/1916767) See also : > What software is supported by the Ubuntu Security team? > > Ubuntu is currently divided into four components: main, restricted, universe > and multiverse. All binary packages in main and restricted are supported by > the Ubuntu Security team for the life of an Ubuntu release, while binary > packages in universe and multiverse are supported by the Ubuntu community. Additionally, the PPA version is likely to be more recent and to contain more profile fixes. See the following discussions for details: * [Should I keep using the version of firejail available in my distro repos?](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/discussions/4666) * [How to install the latest version on Ubuntu and derivatives](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/discussions/4663) ### Other Firejail is included in a large number of Linux distributions. You can also install one of the [released packages](http://sourceforge.net/projects/firejail/files/firejail), or clone Firejail’s source code from our Git repository and compile manually: ````` $ git clone https://github.com/netblue30/firejail.git $ cd firejail $ ./configure && make && sudo make install-strip ````` On Debian/Ubuntu you will need to install git and gcc compiler. AppArmor development libraries and pkg-config are required when using `--apparmor` ./configure option: ````` $ sudo apt-get install git build-essential libapparmor-dev pkg-config gawk ````` For `--selinux` option, add libselinux1-dev (libselinux-devel for Fedora). Detailed information on using firejail from git is available on the [wiki](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/wiki/Using-firejail-from-git). ## Running the sandbox To start the sandbox, prefix your command with `firejail`: ````` $ firejail firefox # starting Mozilla Firefox $ firejail transmission-gtk # starting Transmission BitTorrent $ firejail vlc # starting VideoLAN Client $ sudo firejail /etc/init.d/nginx start ````` Run `firejail --list` in a terminal to list all active sandboxes. Example: ````` $ firejail --list 1617:netblue:/usr/bin/firejail /usr/bin/firefox-esr 7719:netblue:/usr/bin/firejail /usr/bin/transmission-qt 7779:netblue:/usr/bin/firejail /usr/bin/galculator 7874:netblue:/usr/bin/firejail /usr/bin/vlc --started-from-file file:///home/netblue/firejail-whitelist.mp4 7916:netblue:firejail --list ````` ## Desktop integration Integrate your sandbox into your desktop by running the following two commands: ````` $ firecfg --fix-sound $ sudo firecfg ````` The first command solves some shared memory/PID namespace bugs in PulseAudio software prior to version 9. The second command integrates Firejail into your desktop. You would need to logout and login back to apply PulseAudio changes. Start your programs the way you are used to: desktop manager menus, file manager, desktop launchers. The integration applies to any program supported by default by Firejail. There are about 250 default applications in current Firejail version, and the number goes up with every new release. We keep the application list in [/etc/firejail/firecfg.config](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/blob/master/src/firecfg/firecfg.config) file. ## Security profiles Most Firejail command line options can be passed to the sandbox using profile files. You can find the profiles for all supported applications in [/etc/firejail](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/tree/master/etc) directory. If you keep additional Firejail security profiles in a public repository, please give us a link: * https://github.com/chiraag-nataraj/firejail-profiles * https://github.com/triceratops1/fe Use this issue to request new profiles: [#1139](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/issues/1139) You can also use this tool to get a list of syscalls needed by a program: [contrib/syscalls.sh](contrib/syscalls.sh). We also keep a list of profile fixes for previous released versions in [etc-fixes](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/tree/master/etc-fixes) directory. ## Latest released version: 0.9.70 ## Current development version: 0.9.71 Milestone page: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/milestone/1 ### Restrict namespaces ````` --restrict-namespaces Install a seccomp filter that blocks attempts to create new cgroup, ipc, net, mount, pid, time, user or uts namespaces. Example: $ firejail --restrict-namespaces --restrict-namespaces=cgroup,ipc,net,mnt,pid,time,user,uts Install a seccomp filter that blocks attempts to create any of the specified namespaces. The filter examines the arguments of clone, unshare and setns system calls and returns error EPERM to the process (or kills it or logs the attempt, see --seccomp-er‐ ror-action below) if necessary. Note that the filter is not able to examine the arguments of clone3 system calls, and always re‐ sponds to these calls with error ENOSYS. Example: $ firejail --restrict-namespaces=user,net ````` ### Support for custom AppArmor profiles ````` --apparmor Enable AppArmor confinement with the "firejail-default" AppArmor profile. For more information, please see APPARMOR section be‐ low. --apparmor=profile_name Enable AppArmor confinement with a custom AppArmor profile. Note that profile in question must already be loaded into the kernel. For more information, please see APPARMOR section be‐ ````` ### dnstrace ````` --dnstrace[=name|pid] Monitor DNS queries. The sandbox can be specified by name or pid. Only networked sandboxes created with --net are supported. This option is only available when running the sandbox as root. Without a name/pid, Firejail will monitor the main system net‐ work namespace. $ sudo firejail --dnstrace=browser 11:31:43 linux.com (type 1) 11:31:45 fonts.googleapis.com (type 1) NXDOMAIN 11:31:45 js.hs-scripts.com (type 1) NXDOMAIN 11:31:45 www.linux.com (type 1) 11:31:45 fonts.googleapis.com (type 1) NXDOMAIN 11:31:52 js.hs-scripts.com (type 1) NXDOMAIN 11:32:05 secure.gravatar.com (type 1) 11:32:06 secure.gravatar.com (type 1) 11:32:08 taikai.network (type 1) 11:32:08 cdn.jsdelivr.net (type 1) 11:32:08 taikai.azureedge.net (type 1) 11:32:08 www.youtube.com (type 1) ````` ### snitrace ````` --snitrace[=name|pid] Monitor Server Name Indication (TLS/SNI). The sandbox can be specified by name or pid. Only networked sandboxes created with --net are supported. This option is only available when running the sandbox as root. Without a name/pid, Firejail will monitor the main system net‐ work namespace. $ sudo firejail --snitrace=browser 07:49:51 linux.com 07:49:51 www.linux.com 07:50:05 secure.gravatar.com 07:52:35 www.howtoforge.com 07:52:37 sf.ezoiccdn.com 07:52:42 www.gstatic.com 07:53:03 www.linuxlinks.com 07:53:05 c0.wp.com 07:53:08 jetpack.wordpress.com 07:53:09 s0.wp.com 07:53:09 i0.wp.com 07:53:10 i0.wp.com 07:53:11 1.gravatar.com ````` ### icmptrace ````` --icmptrace[=name|pid] Monitor ICMP traffic. The sandbox can be specified by name or pid. Only networked sandboxes created with --net are supported. This option is only available when running the sandbox as root. Without a name/pid, Firejail will monitor the main system net‐ work namespace. Example $ sudo firejail --icmptrace 20:53:54 -> - 98 bytes - Echo re‐ quest/0 20:53:54 -> - 98 bytes - Echo re‐ ply/0 20:53:55 -> - 98 bytes - Echo re‐ quest/0 20:53:55 -> - 98 bytes - Echo re‐ ply/0 20:53:55 -> - 154 bytes - Destination un‐ reachable/Port unreachable ````` ### Profile Statistics A small tool to print profile statistics. Compile and install as usual. The tool is installed in /usr/lib/firejail directory. Run it over the profiles in /etc/profiles: ``` $ /usr/lib/firejail/profstats /etc/firejail/*.profile No include .local found in /etc/firejail/noprofile.profile Warning: multiple caps in /etc/firejail/transmission-daemon.profile Stats: profiles 1196 include local profile 1195 (include profile-name.local) include globals 1169 (include globals.local) blacklist ~/.ssh 1067 (include disable-common.inc) seccomp 1087 capabilities 1190 noexec 1075 (include disable-exec.inc) noroot 995 memory-deny-write-execute 269 apparmor 713 private-bin 695 private-dev 1045 private-etc 542 private-lib 70 private-tmp 918 whitelist home directory 575 whitelist var 858 (include whitelist-var-common.inc) whitelist run/user 1164 (include whitelist-runuser-common.inc or blacklist ${RUNUSER}) whitelist usr/share 630 (include whitelist-usr-share-common.inc net none 404 dbus-user none 677 dbus-user filter 123 dbus-system none 837 dbus-system filter 12 ``` ### New profiles: onionshare, onionshare-cli, opera-developer, songrec, gdu, makedeb, lbry-viewer, tuir, cinelerra-gg, tesseract