# Builds the project with alternative tools. name: Build-extra on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches-ignore: - 'dependabot/**' paths: - 'm4/**' - 'src/**.c' - 'src/**.h' - 'src/**.mk' - 'src/**Makefile' - .github/workflows/build-extra.yml - Makefile - ci/printenv.sh - config.mk.in - config.sh.in - configure - configure.ac pull_request: paths: - 'm4/**' - 'src/**.c' - 'src/**.h' - 'src/**.mk' - 'src/**Makefile' - .github/workflows/build-extra.yml - Makefile - ci/printenv.sh - config.mk.in - config.sh.in - configure - configure.ac permissions: # added using https://github.com/step-security/secure-workflows contents: read jobs: build-clang: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - name: Harden Runner uses: step-security/harden-runner@1b05615854632b887b69ae1be8cbefe72d3ae423 with: egress-policy: block allowed-endpoints: > archive.ubuntu.com:80 azure.archive.ubuntu.com:80 github.com:443 packages.microsoft.com:443 ppa.launchpadcontent.net:443 security.ubuntu.com:80 - uses: actions/checkout@8ade135a41bc03ea155e62e844d188df1ea18608 - name: update package information run: sudo apt-get update -qy - name: install dependencies run: > sudo apt-get install -qy libapparmor-dev libselinux1-dev - name: print env run: ./ci/printenv.sh - name: configure run: > CC=clang-14 ./configure --enable-fatal-warnings --enable-apparmor --enable-selinux || (cat config.log; exit 1) - name: make run: make - name: make install run: sudo make install - name: print version run: command -V firejail && firejail --version