If your PR isn't about profiles or you have no idea how to do one of these, skip the following and go ahead with this PR. If you make a PR for new profiles or changeing profiles please do the following: - The ordering of options follow the rules descripted in [/usr/share/doc/firejail/profile.template](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/blob/master/etc/templates/profile.template). > Hint: The profile-template is very new, if you install firejail with your package-manager, it maybe missing, therefore, and to follow the latest rules, it is recommended to use the template from the repository. - Order the arguments of options alphabetical, you can easy do this with the [sort.py](https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/tree/master/contrib/sort.py). The path to it depends on your distro: | Distro | Path | | ------ | ---- | | Arch/Fedora | `/usr/lib64/firejail/sort.py` | | Debian/Ubuntu/Mint | `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/firejail/sort.py` | | local git clone | `contrib/sort.py` | Note also that the sort.py script exists only since firejail `0.9.61`. See also [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md).