path: root/RELNOTES
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Diffstat (limited to 'RELNOTES')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/RELNOTES b/RELNOTES
index 4c272ccee..86c4a6104 100644
@@ -1,10 +1,376 @@
1firejail (0.9.51) baseline; urgency=low 1firejail (0.9.67) baseline; urgency=low
2 * work in progress! 2 * work in progress
3 * deprecated --disable-whitelist at compile time
4 * deprecated whitelist=yes/no in /etc/firejail/firejail.config
5 * remove (some) environment variables with auth-tokens
6 * new includes: whitelist-run-common.inc, disable-X11.inc
7 * removed includes: disable-passwordmgr.inc
8 * new profiles: microsoft-edge-beta, clion-eap, lifeograph, zim
9 * new profiles: io.github.lainsce.Notejot, rednotebook, gallery-dl
10 * new profiles: yt-dlp
11 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Thu, 29 Jul 2021 09:00:00 -0500
13firejail (0.9.66) baseline; urgency=low
14 * deprecated --audit options, relpaced by jailcheck utility
15 * deprecated follow-symlink-as-user from firejail.config
16 * new firejail.config settings: private-bin, private-etc
17 * new firejail.config settings: private-opt, private-srv
18 * new firejail.config settings: whitelist-disable-topdir
19 * new firejail.config settings: seccomp-filter-add
20 * removed kcmp syscall from seccomp default filter
21 * rename --noautopulse to keep-config-pulse
22 * filtering environment variables
23 * zsh completion
24 * command line: --mkdir, --mkfile
25 * --protocol now accumulates
26 * Jolla/SailfishOS patches
27 * private-lib rework
28 * whitelist rework
29 * jailtest utility for testing running sandboxes
30 * capabilities list update
31 * faccessat2 syscall support
32 * --private-dev keeps /dev/input
33 * added --noinput to disable /dev/input
34 * add support for subdirs in --private-etc
35 * compile time: --enable-force-nonewprivs
36 * compile time: --disable-output
37 * compile time: --enable-lts
38 * subdirs support in private-etc
39 * input devices support in private-dev, --no-input
40 * support trailing comments on profile lines
41 * new profiles: vmware-view, display-im6.q16, ipcalc, ipcalc-ng
42 * ebook-convert, ebook-edit, ebook-meta, ebook-polish, lzop,
43 * avidemux, calligragemini, vmware-player, vmware-workstation
44 * gget, com.github.phase1geo.minder, nextcloud-desktop, pcsxr
45 * PPSSPPSDL, openmw, openmw-launcher, jami-gnome, PCSX2, sum
46 * bcompare, b2sum, cksum, md5sum, sha1sum, sha224sum, sha256sum
47 * sha384sum, sha512sum, librewold-nightly, Quodlibet, tmux, sway
48 * alienarena, alienarena-wrapper, ballbuster, ballbuster-wrapper,
49 * colorful, colorful-wrapper, gl-117, gl-117-wrapper, glaxium,
50 * glaxium-wrapper, pinball, pinball-wrapper, etr-wrapper, firedragon
51 * neverball-wrapper, neverputt-wrapper, supertuxkart-wrapper, neochat,
52 * cargo, LibreCAD, blobby, funnyboat, pipe-viewer, gtk-pipe-viewer
53 * links2, xlinks2, googler, ddgr, tin
54 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Mon, 28 Jun 2021 09:00:00 -0500
56firejail ( baseline; urgency=low
57 * disabled overlayfs, pending multiple fixes (CVE-2021-26910)
58 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Sun, 7 Feb 2021 09:00:00 -0500
60firejail ( baseline; urgency=low
61 * allow --tmpfs inside $HOME for unprivileged users
62 * --disable-usertmpfs compile time option
63 * allow AF_BLUETOOTH via --protocol=bluetooth
64 * Setup guide for new users: contrib/firejail-welcome.sh
65 * implement netns in profiles
66 * added nolocal6.net IPv6 network filter
67 * new profiles: spectacle, chromium-browser-privacy, gtk-straw-viewer
68 * new profiles: gtk-youtube-viewer, gtk2-youtube-viewer, gtk3-youtube-viewer
69 * new profiles: straw-viewer, lutris, dolphin-emu, authenticator-rs, servo
70 * new profiles: npm, marker, yarn, lsar, unar, agetpkg, mdr, shotwell, qnapi
71 * new profiles: guvcview, pkglog, kdiff3, CoyIM
72 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Tue, 26 Jan 2021 09:00:00 -0500
74firejail (0.9.64) baseline; urgency=low
75 * replaced --nowrap option with --wrap in firemon
76 * The blocking action of seccomp filters has been changed from
77 killing the process to returning EPERM to the caller. To get the
78 previous behaviour, use --seccomp-error-action=kill or
79 syscall:kill syntax when constructing filters, or override in
80 /etc/firejail/firejail.config file.
81 * Fine-grained D-Bus sandboxing with xdg-dbus-proxy.
82 xdg-dbus-proxy must be installed, if not D-Bus access will be allowed.
83 With this version nodbus is deprecated, in favor of dbus-user none and
84 dbus-system none and will be removed in a future version.
85 * DHCP client support
86 * firecfg only fix dektop-files if started with sudo
87 * SELinux labeling support
88 * custom 32-bit seccomp filter support
89 * restrict ${RUNUSER} in several profiles
90 * blacklist shells such as bash in several profiles
91 * whitelist globbing
92 * mkdir and mkfile support for /run/user directory
93 * support ignore for include
94 * --include on the command line
95 * splitting up media players whitelists in whitelist-players.inc
96 * new condition: HAS_NOSOUND
97 * new profiles: gfeeds, firefox-x11, tvbrowser, rtv, clipgrab, muraster
98 * new profiles: gnome-passwordsafe, bibtex, gummi, latex, mupdf-x11-curl
99 * new profiles: pdflatex, tex, wpp, wpspdf, wps, et, multimc, mupdf-x11
100 * new profiles: gnome-hexgl, com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate, mupdf-gl, mutool
101 * new profiles: desktopeditors, impressive, planmaker18, planmaker18free
102 * new profiles: presentations18, presentations18free, textmaker18, teams
103 * new profiles: textmaker18free, xournal, gnome-screenshot, ripperX
104 * new profiles: sound-juicer, com.github.dahenson.agenda, gnome-pomodoro
105 * new profiles: gnome-todo, x2goclient, iagno, kmplayer, penguin-command
106 * new profiles: frogatto, gnome-mines, gnome-nibbles, lightsoff, warmux
107 * new profiles: ts3client_runscript.sh, ferdi, abiword, four-in-a-row
108 * new profiles: gnome-mahjongg, gnome-robots, gnome-sudoku, gnome-taquin
109 * new profiles: gnome-tetravex, blobwars, gravity-beams-and-evaporating-stars
110 * new profiles: hyperrogue, jumpnbump-menu, jumpnbump, magicor, mindless
111 * new profiles: mirrormagic, mrrescue, scorched3d-wrapper, scorchwentbonkers
112 * new profiles: seahorse-adventures, wordwarvi, xbill, gnome-klotski
113 * new profiles: swell-foop, fdns, five-or-more, steam-runtime
114 * new profiles: nicotine, plv, mocp, apostrophe, quadrapassel, dino-im
115 * new profiles: hitori, bijiben, gnote, gnubik, ZeGrapher, xonotic-sdl-wrapper
116 * new profiles: gapplication, openarena_ded, element-desktop, cawbird
117 * new profiles: freetube, strawberry, jitsi-meet-desktop
118 * new profiles: homebank, mattermost-desktop, newsflash, com.gitlab.newsflash
119 * new profiles: sushi, xfce4-screenshooter, org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer, lyx
120 * new profiles: minitube, nuclear, mtpaint, minecraft-launcher, gnome-calendar
121 * new profiles: vmware, git-cola, otter-browser, kazam, menulibre, musictube
122 * new profiles: onboard, fractal, mirage, quaternion, spectral, man, psi
123 * new profiles: smuxi-frontend-gnome, balsa, kube, trojita, youtube
124 * new profiles: youtubemusic-nativefier, cola, dbus-send, notify-send
125 * new profiles: qrencode, ytmdesktop, twitch
126 * new profiles: xournalpp, chromium-freeworld, equalx
127 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Wed, 21 Oct 2020 08:00:00 -0500
129firejail (0.9.62) baseline; urgency=low
130 * added file-copy-limit in /etc/firejail/firejail.config
131 * profile templates (/usr/share/doc/firejail)
132 * allow-debuggers support in profiles
133 * several seccomp enhancements
134 * compiler flags autodetection
135 * move chroot entirely from path based to file descriptor based mounts
136 * whitelisting /usr/share in a large number of profiles
137 * new scripts in conrib: gdb-firejail.sh and sort.py
138 * enhancement: whitelist /usr/share in some profiles
139 * added signal mediation ot apparmor profile
140 * new conditions: HAS_X11, HAS_NET
141 * new profiles: qgis, klatexformula, klatexformula_cmdl, links, xlinks
142 * new profiles: pandoc, teams-for-linux, OpenArena, gnome-sound-recorder
143 * new profiles: godot, tcpdump, tshark, newsbeuter, keepassxc-cli
144 * new profiles: keepassxc-proxy, rhythmbox-client, jerry, zeal, mpg123
145 * new profiles: conplay, mpg123.bin, mpg123-alsa, mpg123-id3dump, out123
146 * new profiles: mpg123-jack, mpg123-nas, mpg123-openal, mpg123-oss
147 * new profiles: mpg123-portaudio, mpg123-pulse, mpg123-strip, pavucontrol-qt
148 * new profiles: gnome-characters, gnome-character-map, rsync, Whalebird,
149 * new profiles: tor-browser (AUR), Zulip, tb-starter-wrapper, bzcat,
150 * new profiles: kiwix-desktop, bzcat, zstd, pzstd, zstdcat, zstdgrep, zstdless
151 * new profiles: zstdmt, unzstd, i2p, ar, gnome-latex, pngquant, kalgebra
152 * new profiles: kalgebramobile, signal-cli, amuled, kfind, profanity
153 * new profiles: audio-recorder, cameramonitor, ddgtk, drawio, unf, gmpc
154 * new profiles: electron-mail, gist, gist-paste
155 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Sat, 28 Dec 2019 08:00:00 -0500
157firejail (0.9.60) baseline; urgency=low
158 * security bug reported by Austin Morton:
159 Seccomp filters are copied into /run/firejail/mnt, and are writable
160 within the jail. A malicious process can modify files from inside the
161 jail. Processes that are later joined to the jail will not have seccomp
162 filters applied.
163 * memory-deny-write-execute now also blocks memfd_create
164 * add private-cwd option to control working directory within jail
165 * blocking system D-Bus socket with --nodbus
166 * bringing back Centos 6 support
167 * drop support for flatpak/snap packages
168 * new profiles: crow, nyx, mypaint, celluoid, nano, transgui, mpdris2
169 * new profiles: sysprof, simplescreenrecorder, geekbench, xfce4-mixer
170 * new profiles: pavucontrol, d-feet, seahorse, secret-tool, gnome-keyring
171 * new profiles: regextester, hardinfo, gnome-system-log, gnome-nettool
172 * new profiles: netactview, redshift, devhelp, assogiate, subdownloader
173 * new profiles: font-manager, exfalso, gconf-editor, dconf-editor
174 * new profiles: sysprof-cli, seahorse-tool, secret-tool, dconf, gsettings
175 * new profiles: code-oss, pragha, Maelstrom, ostrichriders, bzflag
176 * new profiles: freeciv, lincity-ng, megaglest, openttd, crawl, crawl-tiles
177 * new profiles: teeworlds, torcs, tremulous, warsow, lugaru, manaplus
178 * new profiles: pioneer, scorched3d, widelands, freemind, kid3, kid3-qt
179 * new profiles: kid3-cli, nomacs, freecol, opencity, openclonk, slashem
180 * new profiles: vultureseye, vulturesclaw, anki, cheese, utox, mp3splt
181 * new profiles: oggsplt, flacsplt, gramps, newsboat, freeoffice-planmaker
182 * new profiles: autokey-gtk, autokey-qt, autokey-run, autokey-shell
183 * new profiles: freeoffice-presentations, freeoffice-textmaker, mp3wrap
184 * new profiles: inkview, meteo-qt, mp3splt-gtk, ktouch, yelp, cantata
185 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Sun, 26 May 2019 08:00:00 -0500
187firejail (0.9.58,2) baseline; urgency=low
188 * cgroup flag in /etc/firejail/firejail.config file
189 * name-change flag in /etc/firejail.config file
190 * --name rework
191 * new profiles: klavaro, vscodium
192 * browser profiles fixes
193 * various other bugfixes
194 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Fri, 8 Feb 2019 08:00:00 -0500
196firejail (0.9.58) baseline; urgency=low
197 * --disable-mnt rework
198 * --net.print command
199 * GitLab CI/CD integration: disto specific builds
200 * profile parser enhancements and conditional handling support
202 * profile name support
203 * added explicit nonewprivs support to join option
204 * new profiles: QMediathekView, aria2c, Authenticator, checkbashisms
205 * new profiles: devilspie, devilspie2, easystroke, github-desktop, min
206 * new profiles: bsdcat, bsdcpio, bsdtar, lzmadec, lbunzip2, lbzcat
207 * new profiles: lbzip2, lzcat, lzcmp, lzdiff, lzegrep, lzfgrep, lzgrep
208 * new profiles: lzless, lzma, lzmainfo, lzmore, unlzma, unxz, xzcat
209 * new profiles: xzcmp, xzdiff, xzegrep, xzfgrep, xzgrep, xzless, xzmore
210 * new profiles: lzip, artha, nitroshare, nitroshare-cli, nitroshare-nmh
211 * new profiles: nirtoshare-send, nitroshare-ui, mencoder, gnome-pie
212 * new profiles: masterpdfeditor, QOwnNotes, aisleriot, Mendeley
213 * new profiles: feedreader, ocenaudio, mpsyt, thunderbird-wayland
214 * new profiles: supertuxkart, ghostwriter, gajim-history-manager
215 * bugfixes
216 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Sat, 26 Jan 2019 08:00:00 -0500
218firejail (0.9.56) baseline; urgency=low
219 * modif: removed CFG_CHROOT_DESKTOP configuration option
220 * modif: removed compile time --enable-network=restricted
221 * modif: removed compile time --disable-bind
222 * modif: --net=none allowed even if networking was disabled at compile
223 time or at run time
224 * modif: allow system users to run the sandbox
225 * support wireless devices in --net option
226 * support tap devices in --net option (tunneling support)
227 * allow IP address configuration if the parent interface specified
228 by --net is not configured (--netmask)
229 * support for firetunnel utility
230 * disable U2F devices (--nou2f)
231 * add --private-cache to support private ~/.cache
232 * support full paths in private-lib
233 * globbing support in private-lib
234 * support for local user directories in firecfg (--bindir)
235 * new profiles: ms-excel, ms-office, ms-onenote, ms-outlook, ms-powerpoint,
236 * new profiles: ms-skype, ms-word, riot-desktop, gnome-mpv, snox, gradio,
237 * new profiles: standardnotes-desktop, shellcheck, patch, flameshot,
238 * new profiles: rview, rvim, vimcat, vimdiff, vimpager, vimtutor, xxd,
239 * new profiles: Beaker, electrum, clamtk, pybitmessage, dig, whois,
240 * new profiles: jdownloader, Fluxbox, Blackbox, Awesome, i3
241 * new profiles: start-tor-browser.desktop
242 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Tue, 18 Sep 2018 08:00:00 -0500
244firejail (0.9.54) baseline; urgency=low
245 * modif: --force removed
246 * modif: --csh, --zsh removed
247 * modif: --debug-check-filename removed
248 * modif: --git-install and --git-uninstall removed
249 * modif: support for private-bin, private-lib and shell none has been
250 disabled while running AppImage archives in order to be able to use
251 our regular profile files with AppImages.
252 * modif: restrictions for /proc, /sys and /run/user directories
253 are moved from AppArmor profile into firejail executable
254 * modif: unifying Chromium and Firefox browsers profiles.
255 All users of Firefox-based browsers who use addons and plugins
256 that read/write from ${HOME} will need to uncomment the includes for
257 firefox-common-addons.inc in firefox-common.profile.
258 * modif: split disable-devel.inc into disable-devel and
259 disable-interpreters.inc
260 * Firejail user access database (/etc/firejail/firejail.users,
261 man firejail-users)
262 * add --noautopulse to disable automatic ~/.config/pulse (for complex setups)
263 * Spectre mitigation patch for gcc and clang compiler
264 * D-Bus handling (--nodbus)
265 * AppArmor support for overlayfs and chroot sandboxes
266 * AppArmor support for AppImages
267 * Enable AppArmor by default for a large number of programs
268 * firejail --apparmor.print option
269 * firemon --apparmor option
270 * apparmor yes/no flag in /etc/firejail/firejail.config
271 * seccomp syscall list update for glibc 2.26-10
272 * seccomp disassembler for --seccomp.print option
273 * seccomp machine code optimizer for default seccomp filters
274 * IPv6 DNS support
275 * whitelist support for overlay and chroot sandboxes
276 * private-dev support for overlay and chroot sandboxes
277 * private-tmp support for overlay and chroot sandboxes
278 * added sandbox name support in firemon
279 * firemon/prctl enhancements
280 * noblacklist support for /sys/module directory
281 * whitelist support for /sys/module directory
282 * new profiles: basilisk, Tor Browser language packs, PlayOnLinux, sylpheed,
283 * new profiles: discord-canary, pycharm-community, pycharm-professional,
284 * new profiles: pdfchain, tilp, vivaldi-snapshot, bitcoin-qt, kaffeine,
285 * new profiles: falkon, gnome-builder, asunder, VS Code, gnome-recipes,
286 * new profiles: akonadi_controle, evince-previewer, evince-thumbnailer,
287 * new profiles: blender-2.8, thunderbird-beta, ncdu, gnome-logs, gcloud,
288 * new profiles: musixmatch, gunzip, bunzip2, enchant-lsmod, enchant-lsmod-2,
289 * new profiles: enchant, enchant-2, Discord, acat, adiff, als, apack,
290 * new profiles: arepack, aunpack profiles, ppsspp, scallion, clion,
291 * new profiles: baloo_filemetadata_temp_extractor, AnyDesk, webstorm, xmind,
292 * new profiles: qmmp, sayonara
293 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Wed, 16 May 2018 08:00:00 -0500
295firejail (0.9.52) baseline; urgency=low
296 * modif: --allow-private-blacklists was deprecated; blacklisting,
297 read-only, read-write, tmpfs and noexec are allowed in
298 private home directories
299 * modif: remount-proc-sys deprecated from firejail.config
300 * modif: follow-symlink-private-bin deprecated from firejail.config
301 * modif: --profile-path was deprecated
3 * enhancement: support Firejail user config directory in firecfg 302 * enhancement: support Firejail user config directory in firecfg
4 * enhancement: disable DBus activation in firecfg 303 * enhancement: disable DBus activation in firecfg
304 * enhancement; enumerate root directories in apparmor profile
305 * enhancement: /etc and /usr/share whitelisting support
306 * enhancement: globbing support for --private-bin
307 * feature: systemd-resolved integration
308 * feature: whitelisting /var directory in most profiles
309 * feature: GTK2, GTK3 and Qt4 private-lib support
310 * feature: --debug-private-lib
311 * feature: test deployment of private-lib for the following
312 applications: evince, galculator, gnome-calculator,
313 leafpad, mousepad, transmission-gtk, xcalc, xmr-stak-cpu,
314 atril, mate-color-select, tar, file, strings, gpicview,
315 eom, eog, gedit, pluma
5 * feature: --writable-run-user 316 * feature: --writable-run-user
317 * feature: --rlimit-as
318 * feature: --rlimit-cpu
319 * feature: --timeout
6 * feature: profile build tool (--build) 320 * feature: profile build tool (--build)
7 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Thu, 14 Sep 2017 20:00:00 -0500 321 * feature: --netfilter.print
322 * feature: --netfilter6.print
323 * feature: netfilter template support
324 * new profiles: upstreamed many profiles from the following sources:
325 https://github.com/chiraag-nataraj/firejail-profiles,
326 https://github.com/nyancat18/fe,
327 https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/firejail-profiles.
328 * new profiles: terasology, surf, rocketchat, clamscan, clamdscan,
329 clamdtop, freshclam, xmr-stak-cpu, amule, ardour4, ardour5,
330 brackets, calligra, calligraauthor, calligraconverter, calligraflow,
331 calligraplan, calligraplanwork, calligrasheets, calligrastage,
332 calligrawords, cin, dooble, dooble-qt4, fetchmail, freecad, freecadcmd,
333 google-earth,imagej, karbon, kdenlive, krita, linphone, lmms, macrofusion,
334 mpd, natron, Natron, ricochet, shotcut, teamspeak3, tor, tor-browser-en,
335 Viber, x-terminal-emulator, zart, conky, arch-audit, ffmpeg, bluefish,
336 cinelerra, openshot-qt, pinta, uefitool, aosp, pdfmod, gnome-ring,
337 xcalc, zaproxy, kopete, cliqz, signal-desktop, kget, nheko, Enpass,
338 kwin_x11, krunner, ping, bsdtar, makepkg (Arch), archaudit-report
339 cower (Arch), kdeinit4
340 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Thu, 7 Dec 2017 08:00:00 -0500
342firejail (0.9.50) baseline; urgency=low
343 * modif: --output split in two commands, --output and --output-stderr
344 * feature: per-profile disable-mnt (--disable-mnt)
345 * feature: per-profile support to set X11 Xephyr screen size (--xephyr-screen)
346 * feature: private /lib directory (--private-lib)
347 * feature: disable CDROM/DVD drive (--nodvd)
348 * feature: disable DVB devices (--notv)
349 * feature: --profile.print
350 * enhancement: print all seccomp filters under --debug
351 * enhancement: /proc/sys mounting
352 * enhancement: rework IP address assignment for --net options
353 * enhancement: support for newer Xpra versions (2.1+) -
354 set xpra-attach yes in /etc/firejail/firejail.config
355 * enhancement: all profiles use a standard layout style
356 * enhancement: create /usr/local for firecfg if the directory doesn't exist
357 * enhancement: allow full paths in --private-bin
358 * seccomp feature: --memory-deny-write-execute
359 * seccomp feature: seccomp post-exec
360 * seccomp feature: block secondary architecture (--seccomp.block_secondary)
361 * seccomp feature: seccomp syscall groups
362 * seccomp enhancement: print all seccomp filters under --debug
363 * seccomp enhancement: default seccomp list update
364 * new profiles: curl, mplayer2, SMPlayer, Calibre, ebook-viewer, KWrite,
365 * new profiles: Geary, Liferea, peek, silentarmy, IntelliJ IDEA,
366 * new profiles: Android Studio, electron, riot-web, Extreme Tux Racer,
367 * new profiles: Frozen Bubble, Open Invaders, Pingus, Simutrans, SuperTux
368 * new profiles: telegram-desktop, arm, rambox, apktool, baobab, dex2jar, gitg,
369 * new profiles: hashcat, obs, picard, remmina, sdat2img, soundconverter
370 * new profiles: truecraft, gnome-twitch, tuxguitar, musescore, neverball
371 * new profiles: sqlitebrowse, Yandex Browser, minetest
372 * bugfixes
373 -- netblue30 <netblue30@yahoo.com> Sat, 30 Sep 2017 08:00:00 -0500
8 374
9firejail (0.9.50~rc1) baseline; urgency=low 375firejail (0.9.50~rc1) baseline; urgency=low
10 * release pending! 376 * release pending!
@@ -17,7 +383,7 @@ firejail (0.9.50~rc1) baseline; urgency=low
17 * feature: --profile.print 383 * feature: --profile.print
18 * enhancement: print all seccomp filters under --debug 384 * enhancement: print all seccomp filters under --debug
19 * enhancement: /proc/sys mounting 385 * enhancement: /proc/sys mounting
20 * enhancement: rework IP address assingment for --net options 386 * enhancement: rework IP address assignment for --net options
21 * enhancement: support for newer Xpra versions (2.1+) - 387 * enhancement: support for newer Xpra versions (2.1+) -
22 set xpra-attach yes in /etc/firejail/firejail.config 388 set xpra-attach yes in /etc/firejail/firejail.config
23 * enhancement: all profiles use a standard layout style 389 * enhancement: all profiles use a standard layout style
@@ -239,7 +605,7 @@ firejail (0.9.42) baseline; urgency=low
239 * feature: option to fix desktop files (firecfg --fix) 605 * feature: option to fix desktop files (firecfg --fix)
240 * compile time: Busybox support (--enable-busybox-workaround) 606 * compile time: Busybox support (--enable-busybox-workaround)
241 * compile time: disable overlayfs (--disable-overlayfs) 607 * compile time: disable overlayfs (--disable-overlayfs)
242 * compile time: disable whitlisting (--disable-whitelist) 608 * compile time: disable whitelisting (--disable-whitelist)
243 * compile time: disable global config (--disable-globalcfg) 609 * compile time: disable global config (--disable-globalcfg)
244 * run time: enable/disable overlayfs (overlayfs yes/no) 610 * run time: enable/disable overlayfs (overlayfs yes/no)
245 * run time: enable/disable quiet as default (quiet-by-default yes/no) 611 * run time: enable/disable quiet as default (quiet-by-default yes/no)