#!/bin/bash # INTRO: # This file is used to build ferdium-server on both x64 and arm-based for macos and linux (not tested on arm for linux). # It also handles any corrupted node modules with the 'CLEAN' env var (set it to 'true' for cleaning) # It will install the system dependencies except for node and python (which are still verified) # I sometimes symlink my 'recipes' folder so that any changes that I need to do in it can also be committed and pushed independently # This file can live anywhere in your PATH set -e export CI=true # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility functions fail_with_docs() { printf "\n*************** FAILING ***************\n" echo "$1" echo "" echo "Please read the developer documentation in CONTRIBUTING.md" exit 1 } command_exists() { type "$1" &>/dev/null 2>&1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checking the developer environment # Check for installed programmes command_exists node || fail_with_docs "Node is not installed" command_exists python || fail_with_docs "python is not installed" # Check node version EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION=$(cat .nvmrc) ACTUAL_NODE_VERSION=$(node -v) if [ "v$EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION" != "$ACTUAL_NODE_VERSION" ]; then fail_with_docs "You are not running the expected version of node! expected: [v$EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION] actual : [$ACTUAL_NODE_VERSION]" fi # Check if the 'recipes' folder is present either as a git submodule or a symbolic link if ! [ -f "recipes/package.json" ]; then fail_with_docs "'recipes' folder is missing or submodule has not been checked out" fi # This log statement is only to remind me which 'recipes' folder I am using (symlink or git submodule) if [[ -L recipes ]]; then printf "\n*************** CONTINUING for 'recipes' symlinked ***************\n" else printf "\n*************** CONTINUING for 'recipes' submodule ***************\n" fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If you are moving to a new version of node or any other system dependency, then cleaning is recommended # so that there's no irregular results due to cached modules if [ "$CLEAN" != "true" ]; then printf "\n*************** SKIPPING Cleaning ***************\n" else printf "\n*************** Cleaning!!!!!! ***************\n" pnpm store prune || true # in case the pnpm executable itself is not present rm -rf ~/.pnpm-store ~/.pnpm-state git -C recipes clean -fxd # Clean recipes folder/submodule git clean -fxd # Note: This will blast away the 'recipes' folder if you have symlinked it fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ensure that the system dependencies are at the correct version - fail if not # Check node version EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION=$(cat .nvmrc) ACTUAL_NODE_VERSION=$(node -v) if [ "v$EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION" != "$ACTUAL_NODE_VERSION" ]; then fail_with_docs "You are not running the expected version of node! expected: [v$EXPECTED_NODE_VERSION] actual : [$ACTUAL_NODE_VERSION]" fi # Check python version EXPECTED_PYTHON_VERSION=$(node -p 'require("./package.json").engines.python') ACTUAL_PYTHON_VERSION=$(python --version | sed -e "s/Python //") if [[ "$ACTUAL_PYTHON_VERSION" != "$EXPECTED_PYTHON_VERSION" ]]; then fail_with_docs "You are not running the expected version of Python! expected: [$EXPECTED_PYTHON_VERSION] actual : [$ACTUAL_PYTHON_VERSION]" fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ensure that the system dependencies are at the correct version - recover if not # Check pnpm version EXPECTED_PNPM_VERSION=$(node -p 'require("./recipes/package.json").engines.pnpm') ACTUAL_PNPM_VERSION=$(pnpm --version || true) # in case the pnpm executable itself is not present if [[ "$ACTUAL_PNPM_VERSION" != "$EXPECTED_PNPM_VERSION" ]]; then npm i -gf pnpm@$EXPECTED_PNPM_VERSION fi ENV_FILE=".env" if [[ ! -s $ENV_FILE ]]; then APP_KEY=`cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc "[:alnum:]" | fold -w ${1:-32} | head -n 1` # SAVE APP_KEY TO .env FILE sed "s/APP_KEY\=/APP_KEY=$APP_KEY/" .env.example > $ENV_FILE fi mkdir -p data # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf "\n*************** Building recipes ***************\n" pushd recipes pnpm i && pnpm lint && pnpm reformat-files && pnpm package popd # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now the meat..... pnpm i pnpm prepare pnpm lint pnpm test # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf "\n*************** Starting app ***************\n" pnpm refresh pnpm dev printf "\n*************** App successfully stopped! ***************\n"