import { GuardsList } from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Auth' import { HttpContext } from '@adonisjs/core/http' import { AuthenticationException } from '@adonisjs/auth/build/standalone' /** * This is actually a reverted a reverted auth middleware available in ./Auth.ts * provided by the AdonisJS project iself. */ export default class GuestMiddleware { /** * The URL to redirect to when request is authorized */ protected redirectTo = '/dashboard' protected async authenticate(auth: HttpContext['auth'], guards: (keyof GuardsList)[]) { let guardLastAttempted: string | undefined for (const guard of guards) { guardLastAttempted = guard // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop if (await auth.use(guard).check()) { auth.defaultGuard = guard throw new AuthenticationException( 'Unauthorized access', 'E_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS', guardLastAttempted, this.redirectTo ) } } } /** * Handle request */ public async handle( { auth }: HttpContext, next: () => Promise, customGuards: (keyof GuardsList)[] ) { /** * Uses the user defined guards or the default guard mentioned in * the config file */ const guards = customGuards.length > 0 ? customGuards : [] await this.authenticate(auth, guards) await next() } }