/** * Controller for routes with static responses */ const Helpers = use('Helpers'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); class StaticController { // Enable all features features({ response, }) { return response.send({ needToWaitToProceed: false, isSpellcheckerPremiumFeature: false, isSpellcheckerIncludedInCurrentPlan: true, isServiceProxyEnabled: true, isServiceProxyIncludedInCurrentPlan: true, isServiceProxyPremiumFeature: true, isWorkspacePremiumFeature: false, isWorkspaceEnabled: true, isAnnouncementsEnabled: true, isSettingsWSEnabled: false, isServiceLimitEnabled: false, serviceLimitCount: 0, isCommunityRecipesPremiumFeature: false, isCommunityRecipesIncludedInCurrentPlan: true, isCustomUrlIncludedInCurrentPlan: true, isMagicBarEnabled: true, isTeamManagementIncludedInCurrentPlan: true, isTodosEnabled: true, isTodosIncludedInCurrentPlan: true, defaultTrialPlan: 'franz-pro-yearly', subscribeURL: 'https://getferdi.com', planSelectionURL: 'https://getferdi.com', isMagicBarEnabled: true, hasInlineCheckout: true, isPlanSelectionEnabled: false, isTrialStatusBarEnabled: false, canSkipTrial: true, pricingConfig: { currency: '$', currencyID: 'USD', plans: { personal: { monthly: { id: 'ferdi-free', price: 0, billed: 0, }, yearly: { id: 'ferdi-completely-free', price: 0, billed: 0, }, }, pro: { monthly: { id: 'ferdi-still-free', price: 0, billed: 0, }, yearly: { id: 'ferdi-forever-free', price: 0, billed: 0, }, }, }, }, }); } // Return an empty array emptyArray({ response, }) { return response.send([]); } // Payment plans availible plans({ response, }) { return response.send({ month: { id: 'franz-supporter-license', price: 99, }, year: { id: 'franz-supporter-license-year-2019', price: 99, }, }); } // Return list of popular recipes (copy of the response Franz's API is returning) popularRecipes({ response, }) { return response.send([{ author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'slack', name: 'Slack', version: '1.0.4', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/slack/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/slack/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'whatsapp', name: 'WhatsApp', version: '1.0.1', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/whatsapp/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/whatsapp/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'messenger', name: 'Messenger', version: '1.0.6', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/messenger/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/messenger/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'telegram', name: 'Telegram', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/telegram/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/telegram/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'gmail', name: 'Gmail', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/gmail/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/gmail/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'skype', name: 'Skype', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/skype/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/skype/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'hangouts', name: 'Hangouts', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/hangouts/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/hangouts/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'discord', name: 'Discord', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/discord/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/discord/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'tweetdeck', name: 'Tweetdeck', version: '1.0.1', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/tweetdeck/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/tweetdeck/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'hipchat', name: 'HipChat', version: '1.0.1', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/hipchat/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/hipchat/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'gmailinbox', name: 'Inbox by Gmail', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/gmailinbox/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/gmailinbox/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'rocketchat', name: 'Rocket.Chat', version: '1.0.1', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/rocketchat/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/rocketchat/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Brian Gilbert ', featured: false, id: 'gitter', name: 'Gitter', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/gitter/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/gitter/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stefan Malzner ', featured: false, id: 'mattermost', name: 'Mattermost', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/mattermost/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/mattermost/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Franz ', featured: false, id: 'toggl', name: 'toggl', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/toggl/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/toggl/src/icon.svg', }, }, { author: 'Stuart Clark ', featured: false, id: 'twist', name: 'twist', version: '1.0.0', icons: { png: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/twist/src/icon.png', svg: 'https://cdn.franzinfra.com/recipes/dist/twist/src/icon.svg', }, }]); } // Show announcements async announcement({ response, params, }) { const announcement = path.join(Helpers.resourcesPath(), 'announcements', `${params.version}.json`); if (await fs.pathExists(announcement)) { return response.download(announcement); } return response.status(404).send('No announcement found.'); } } module.exports = StaticController;