import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'; import { schema, rules, validator } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator'; import Token from 'App/Models/Token'; import moment from 'moment'; import crypto from 'node:crypto'; export default class ResetPasswordController { /** * Display the reset password form */ public async show({ view, request }: HttpContextContract) { const { token } = request.qs(); if (token) { return view.render('dashboard/resetPassword', { token }); } return view.render('others/message', { heading: 'Invalid token', text: 'Please make sure you are using a valid and recent link to reset your password.', }); } /** * Resets user password */ public async resetPassword({ response, request, session, view, }: HttpContextContract) { try { await validator.validate({ schema: schema.create({ password: schema.string([rules.required(), rules.confirmed()]), token: schema.string([rules.required()]), }), data: request.only(['password', 'password_confirmation', 'token']), }); } catch { session.flash({ type: 'danger', message: 'Passwords do not match', }); return response.redirect(`/user/reset?token=${request.input('token')}`); } const tokenRow = await Token.query() .preload('user') .where('token', request.input('token')) .where('type', 'forgot_password') .where('is_revoked', false) .where( 'updated_at', '>=', moment().subtract(24, 'hours').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), ) .first(); if (!tokenRow) { return view.render('others/message', { heading: 'Cannot reset your password', text: 'Please make sure you are using a valid and recent link to reset your password and that your passwords entered match.', }); } // Update user password const hashedPassword = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(request.input('password')) .digest('base64'); tokenRow.user.password = hashedPassword; await; // Delete token to prevent it from being used again await tokenRow.delete(); return view.render('others/message', { heading: 'Reset password', text: 'Successfully reset your password. You can now login to your account using your new password.', }); } }