path: root/.eslintrc.cjs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.eslintrc.cjs')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.eslintrc.cjs b/.eslintrc.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2be48ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
1/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
2module.exports = {
3 root: true,
4 parserOptions: {
5 ecmaVersion: 'latest',
6 sourceType: 'module',
7 project: './tsconfig.json',
8 },
9 ignorePatterns: ['node_modules', 'build', 'recipes', '.eslintrc.js'],
10 extends: ['@adonisjs/eslint-config/app', 'plugin:unicorn/recommended', 'prettier'],
11 plugins: ['@adonisjs/eslint-plugin'],
12 env: {
13 es6: true,
14 node: true,
15 },
16 reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true,
17 overrides: [
18 {
19 files: ['**/*.ts'],
20 extends: [
21 '@adonisjs/eslint-config/app',
22 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended',
23 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict',
24 // TODO: Opt-in to a stricter ruleset in the future
25 // 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked',
26 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked',
27 'plugin:import/typescript',
28 ],
29 parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
30 plugins: [],
31 rules: {
32 // eslint
33 'max-len': 0,
35 // @typescript-eslint
36 '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 0,
37 '@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface': 0,
38 '@typescript-eslint/semi': 0,
39 '@typescript-eslint/space-before-function-paren': 0,
40 '@typescript-eslint/no-extraneous-class': 0,
41 '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': 0,
42 '@typescript-eslint/prefer-ts-expect-error': 0,
43 '@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility': 0,
44 '@typescript-eslint/no-shadow': 0,
45 '@typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing': 0,
47 // @adonisjs/eslint-plugin
48 '@adonisjs/prefer-lazy-controller-import': 2,
49 '@adonisjs/prefer-lazy-listener-import': 2,
51 // eslint-plugin-unicorn
52 'unicorn/filename-case': 0,
53 },
54 },
55 ],
56 rules: {
57 // eslint
58 'array-callback-return': 1,
59 'consistent-return': 1,
60 'max-len': 0,
61 'no-await-in-loop': 1,
62 'no-return-assign': 1,
63 'no-console': [
64 1,
65 {
66 allow: ['warn', 'error'],
67 },
68 ],
69 'no-param-reassign': 1,
70 'prefer-destructuring': 1,
71 // eslint-plugin-unicorn
72 'unicorn/filename-case': 0,
73 'unicorn/prefer-module': 0,
74 'unicorn/prevent-abbreviations': 0,
76 'unicorn/import-style': [
77 2,
78 {
79 styles: {
80 path: {
81 named: true,
82 },
83 },
84 },
85 ],
86 'unicorn/no-empty-file': 0,
87 'unicorn/prefer-top-level-await': 0,
88 },