# WeChat Recipe for [WeChat](https://www.wechat.com) integration with [Franz 5](http://meetfranz.com) ## To test this dev release 1. Clone/download the folder `recipe-wechat`. 2. Open the Franz Recipe folder on your machine: * Mac: `~/Library/Application Support/Franz/recipes/` * Windows: `%appdata%/Franz/recipes/` * Linux: `~/.config/Franz/recipes/` 3. Create a `dev` folder if you have not already done so 3. Unzip and copy the `recipe-wechat` folder into the recipes dev directory 4. Restart Franz ## How to create your own Franz recipes: [Read the documentation](https://github.com/meetfranz/plugins) ## WeChat logo resources Uses unofficial logos acquired from https://github.com/RayPS/WeChat-Logo ## Authors [Koma](https://github.com/koma-private/)