const _path = _interopRequireDefault(require('path')); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } module.exports = Ferdium => { const telegramVersion = document .querySelector('meta[name="application-name"]') ?.getAttribute('content'); const isWebK = telegramVersion?.includes('WebK'); // There are two different Telegram versions for internal competition // Read more: const webZCount = () => { let directCount = 0; let groupCount = 0; const directCountSelector = document.querySelectorAll( '.chat-list .ListItem.private .Badge.unread:not(.muted)', ); const groupCountSelector = document.querySelectorAll( '.chat-list .Badge.unread:not(.muted)', ); for (const badge of directCountSelector) { directCount += Ferdium.safeParseInt(badge.textContent); } for (const badge of groupCountSelector) { groupCount += Ferdium.safeParseInt(badge.textContent); } Ferdium.setBadge(directCount, groupCount); }; const webKCount = () => { let directCount = 0; let groupCount = 0; const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.rp:not(.is-muted)'); for (const element of elements) { const subtitleBadge = element.querySelector('.dialog-subtitle-badge'); if (subtitleBadge) { const parsedValue = Ferdium.safeParseInt(subtitleBadge.textContent); if (element.dataset.peerId > 0) { directCount += parsedValue; } else { groupCount += parsedValue; } } } Ferdium.setBadge(directCount, groupCount); }; const getMessages = () => { if (isWebK) { webKCount(); } else { webZCount(); } }; const getActiveDialogTitle = () => { let element; if (isWebK) { element = document.querySelector('.top .peer-title'); } else { element = document.querySelector('.chat-list .ListItem .title > h3'); } Ferdium.setDialogTitle(element ? element.textContent : ''); }; const loopFunc = () => { getMessages(); getActiveDialogTitle(); }; Ferdium.loop(loopFunc); Ferdium.injectCSS(_path.default.join(__dirname, 'service.css')); };