function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const _path = _interopRequireDefault(require('path')); const SELECTOR_CHANNELS_UNREAD = '.p-channel_sidebar__channel--unread:not(.p-channel_sidebar__channel--muted)'; module.exports = Ferdium => { const getMessages = () => { const directMessages = document.querySelectorAll( `${SELECTOR_CHANNELS_UNREAD} .p-channel_sidebar__badge, .p-channel_sidebar__link--unread:not([data-sidebar-link-id="Punreads"]):not([data-sidebar-link-id="Pdrafts"]):not([data-sidebar-link-id="Pdms"])`, ).length; const allMessages = document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_CHANNELS_UNREAD).length - directMessages; Ferdium.setBadge(directMessages, allMessages); }; const getActiveDialogTitle = () => { const element = document.querySelector( '.p-channel_sidebar__channel--selected .p-channel_sidebar__name', ); Ferdium.setDialogTitle( element && element.firstChild ? element.firstChild.textContent : null, ); }; const loopFunc = () => { getMessages(); getActiveDialogTitle(); }; Ferdium.loop(loopFunc); const getTeamIcon = function getTeamIcon(count = 0) { let countTeamIconCheck = count; let bgUrl = null; // INFO: A new Slack UI was introduced in August 2023 and will be rolled out gradually, // therefore we need to support both old and new UI for the time being // See more: const oldSlackUiTeamMenu = document.querySelector( '#team-menu-trigger, .p-ia__sidebar_header__team_name', ); const newSlackUiTeamMenu = document.querySelector( '.p-ia4_home_header_menu__button', ); if (oldSlackUiTeamMenu || newSlackUiTeamMenu) { if (oldSlackUiTeamMenu) {; } else if (newSlackUiTeamMenu) {; } const icon = document.querySelector('.c-team_icon'); if (icon) { bgUrl = window .getComputedStyle(icon, null) .getPropertyValue('background-image'); bgUrl = /^url\((["']?)(.*)\1\)$/.exec(bgUrl); bgUrl = bgUrl ? bgUrl[2] : ''; } setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('.ReactModal__Overlay').click(); }, 10); } countTeamIconCheck += 1; if (bgUrl) { Ferdium.setAvatarImage(bgUrl); } else if (countTeamIconCheck <= 5) { setTimeout(() => { getTeamIcon(countTeamIconCheck + 1); }, 2000); } }; setTimeout(() => { getTeamIcon(); }, 4000); Ferdium.injectCSS(_path.default.join(__dirname, 'service.css')); };