/* With `/* Legacy [asterisk]/` are marked those selectors that were working for some Nextcloud version before 27 (24 or 25). */ /*Hide all interactive elements that are not related to the Calendar. */ /* App links and contacts menu link in the top menu except for Calendar */ #appmenu li:not([data-id="calendar"]), /* Legacy */ .app-menu-main > .app-menu-entry:not([data-app-id="calendar"]), /* Nextcloud 27 */ #unified-search, #contactsmenu, /* All settings options, except the option to log out */ #settings #expanddiv li:not([data-id='logout']), /* Legacy */ #header-menu-user-menu li:not([id='logout']), /* Nextcloud 27 */ /* Notifications that are not related to Calendar */ .notifications .notification-wrapper .notification:not([object_type="dav"]), /* Legacy */ .notification-container .notification-wrapper .notification:not([data-app="dav"]), /* Nextcloud 27 */ /* "Dismiss all notifications" as this action will dismiss also hidden notifications as this behaviour might not be desirable. */ .notification-wrapper .dismiss-all, /* Legacy */ .notification-container .dismiss-all /* Nextcloud 27 */ { display: none; } /* Change the cursor to default for top menu Nextcloud home and Calendar links and disable them */ #nextcloud, #appmenu li[data-id="calendar"] a, /* Legacy */ .app-menu-main li[data-app-id="calendar"] a /* Nextcloud 27 */ { cursor: default; pointer-events: none; } /* Fix the margin of the dropdown */ #settings #expanddiv, /* Legacy */ #settings #expanddiv > ul, /* Legacy */ #header-menu-notifications, /* Nextcloud 27 */ #header-menu-notifications > .header-menu__content, /* Nextcloud 27 */ #header-menu-user-menu, /* Nextcloud 27 */ #header-menu-user-menu > .header-menu__content /* Nextcloud 27 */ { min-height: auto; } /* Hide "More" link in the top menu */ #more-apps { display: none !important; }