/* Copied from: https://github.com/AykutSarac/linkedin-dark with added dark scrollbars from https://github.com/Jordy3D/Jordy3D.github.io */ :root { /* Body background */ --color-background-canvas: #202225 !important; /* Cards background color */ --white: #36393f !important; /* Mostly titles, hrefs & links */ --black-a90: #FFF !important; /* Borders mostly */ --black-a30: #25252549 !important; /* Mostly used for general text color, paragraphs, placeholders etc. */ --black-a60: #99AAB5 !important; /* Message chat color */ --color-text-low-emphasis: #99AAB5 !important; /* Disabled text color */ --color-text-disabled: #5f7673 !important; /* Headers, buttons, svgs */ --blue-70: #FFF !important; /* Link embed card bg */ --voyager-color-background-container-tint-2: #2f3136 !important; --color-background-container-tint: #2f3136 !important; --color-action: #99AAB5 !important; /* Message active chat */ --voyager-color-action-selected: #2f3136 !important; /* Home search input bg color */ --voyager-color-background-input-search: #40444b !important; --voyager-color-background-comment: #2f3136 !important; --color-background-brand-accent-4: #2f3136 !important; /* Used for links */ --color-brand-accent-1: #7289DA !important; --warm-red-70: #7289DA !important; /* Active button background */ --color-checked: #3ba55c !important; } /*Dark Scrollbar*/ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #fff0 !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #1f2f38; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #1a2a33; } /* Job updates, events, quotes etc. card background embedded post items */ .job-card-square__main, .feed-shared-carousel-job__content, div[class^='feed-shared-article'], div[class^='feed-shared-event'], div[class^='feed-shared-update-v2__update-content-wrapper'], div[class^='feed-shared-entity'], div[class^='feed-shared-announcement'], section[class^='discover-entity-type-card'] { background: var(--voyager-color-background-comment) !important; } /* See more, featured item card etc. */ .org-about-module__content-box, .artdeco-container-card-action-bar, .artdeco-card__actions, div[class^='pab-featured-item'] > div { background: var(--voyager-color-background-comment) !important; } /* Messages text color */ .msg-s-event-listitem__body { color: var(--color-text-low-emphasis) !important; } /* Comments and share post input color */ .share-box-feed-entry__wrapper .display-flex .artdeco-button, .comments-comment-texteditor { background: var(--voyager-color-background-input-search) !important; } .feed-shared-update-v2__commentary span a { color: #57F287 !important; } /* Navbar */ header[class^='global-nav'] { background: #2f3136 !important; }