module.exports = (Franz) => { // class corresponding to the mute icon const muteSelector = '.DQy0Rb'; // class corresponding to the red badge that is visible for direct messages const directMessageSelector = '.SaMfhe.m9MHid'; // class corresponding to the bold text that is visible for all messages const allMessageSelector = '.IL9EXe.PL5Wwe.dHI9xe.H7du2'; const isMuted = node => !!node.closest('[role="listitem"]').querySelector(muteSelector); const getMessages = function getMessages() { let allMessageCount = 0; let directCount = 0; // get unread direct messages document.querySelectorAll(directMessageSelector).forEach((node) => { // Hangouts Chat overrides the muted indicator when there is a direct mention // Check for the width of the badge element if (!isMuted(node) && node.clientWidth != 0 ) { directCount += 1; } }); let indirectCount = 0; document.querySelectorAll(allMessageSelector).forEach((node) => { if (!isMuted(node)) { allMessageCount += 1; } }); indirectCount = allMessageCount - directCount; // set Franz badge Franz.setBadge(directCount, indirectCount); }; document.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const { tagName, target, href } =; if (tagName === 'A' && target === '_blank') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();; } }); // check for new messages every second and update Franz badge Franz.loop(getMessages); };