function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const _path = _interopRequireDefault(require('path')); module.exports = Ferdium => { // if the user is on googlecalendar landing page, go to the login page. if ( location.hostname === '' && location.href.includes('products/calendar/') ) { location.href = ''; } Ferdium.injectCSS(_path.default.join(__dirname, 'service.css')); Ferdium.injectCSS( '', ); Ferdium.injectJSUnsafe( '', ); Ferdium.handleDarkMode(isEnabled => { const cssId = 'cssDarkModeWorkaround'; if (isEnabled) { // Workaround for loading darkmode.css if (!document.querySelector(`#${cssId}`)) { const head = document.querySelectorAll('head')[0]; const link = document.createElement('link'); = cssId; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = ''; = 'all'; head.append(link); } } else { document.querySelector(`#${cssId}`)?.remove(); } }); };