function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const _path = _interopRequireDefault(require('path')); function show(element) { = 'inherit'; } function hide(element) { = 'none'; } module.exports = Ferdium => { const modal = document.createElement('div'); const waitFor = (condition, callback) => { if (condition()) { callback(); } else { window.setTimeout(waitFor.bind(null, condition, callback), 100); } }; function showModal(text) { show(modal); const p = modal.querySelector('p'); if (p) { p.textContent = text; } } function hideModal() { hide(modal); const p = modal.querySelector('p'); if (p) { p.textContent = ''; } } // Replace window.alert to hide alerts in Ferdium const oldAlert = window.alert; window.alert = function () { // when Google Calendar displays an alert notify the user showModal.apply(oldAlert, arguments); }; = 'franz-modal'; modal.textContent = ''; const close = modal.querySelector('.close'); if (close) { close.addEventListener('click', hideModal); } waitFor( () => document.body, () => document.body.append(modal), ); document.addEventListener('keydown', e => { if (e.key === 'Escape') { hideModal(); } }); Ferdium.injectCSS(_path.default.join(__dirname, 'css', 'modal.css')); };