# Integration Config A [Ferdi](https://getferdi.com) recipe is a node module. In order to learn more about node modules and their configuration check the official [Node.js documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html) / [npm package.json documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json). ## Table of Contents * [Config flags](#user-content-config-flags) * [Examples](#user-content-examples) ## Config flags `string` **id**
Unique identifier name of the plugin. The name of the plugin folder has to be the same. This ID cannot contain any special characters or spaces. `string` **name**
Display name of the service. `string` **version**
Version number. Will be used for auto updating the integrations. The version number must be in a semver compatible format: `1.0.0`. **important:** the version will be used to figure out if a new recipe update should be deployed to the user. If you make changes to a recipe, **always** increase the version number or Ferdi won't update your recipe. `string` **description**
Short description about your integration. Not currently used. `string` **main**
The plugins main entry point. In our case `index.js`. `string` **author**
Author of the integration. Not currently used. `string` **license**
The license of the integration. We prefer MIT, but here is a list of all the available SPDX licenses http://spdx.org/licenses/ `string` **repository**
Link to your Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket public repository `object` **config**
This is the Ferdi specific integration config. * `string` **serviceURL**
Defines the URL that should be loaded into the Ferdi webview.

If you want to load a simple URL like `https://www.messenger.com`, you can simply define it via the `serviceURL` parameter. If your service URL is team based, e.g. Slack or HipChat you can use `https://{teamId}.slack.com`.

If your service works with custom URLs, just leave this empty.

**Examples** ```json { "serviceURL": "https://www.messenger.com" } ```
```json { "serviceURL": "https://{teamId}.slack.com" } ``` * `boolean` **hasTeamId** _default: true_
Is this a team based service? If true, the interface to add the service will require a team identifier. e.g. `[teamId]`.slack.com * `boolean` **urlInputSuffix**
This option is only used in combination with `hasTeamId: true` in order to display the value of `urlInputSuffix` after the input for TeamId to make it obvious to the user what input is required from him. Eg. _<TeamID>.hipchat.com_ * `boolean` **hasCustomUrl** _default: false_
On premise services like HipChat, Mattermost, ... require a custom URL. This option enables the user to enter a custom URL when adding the service. * `boolean` **hasNotificationSound** _default: false_
Some services provide their own notification sound. In order to avoid multiple sounds when the user receives a message set this to `true`. If the service has no built in notification sound set this to `false`. * `boolean` **hasIndirectMessages** _default: false_
Services like Slack or HipChat have direct messages e.g. a mention or message to every user in a channel (@channel) and indirect messages e.g. general discussion in a channel. If this flag is set to `true`, the user can enable/disable if there should be a badge for indirect messages. * `string` **message**
Info message that will be displayed in the add/edit service interface. ## Example ### Mattermost configuration ```json { "id": "mattermost", "name": "Mattermost", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Mattermost", "main": "index.js", "author": "Stefan Malzner ", "license": "MIT", "repository": "https://github.com/meetFerdi/recipe-mattermost", "config": { "hasNotificationSound": true, "hasIndirectMessages": true, "hasCustomUrl": true } } ```