# Backend API Provides a set of helper functions to integrate the recipe into [Ferdi](https://getferdi.com). ## Ferdi Backend Class Methods * [validateUrl](#user-content-validateurl) * [overrideUserAgent](#user-content-overrideuseragent) * [modifyRequestHeaders](#user-content-modifyrequestheaders) ## Events * [webview events](#user-content-events) ### validateUrl(URL) Validate if the given URL is a valid service instance. #### Arguments 1. `string` URL #### Returns [`Promise`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise) #### Usage ```js // RocketChat integration module.exports = Ferdi => class RocketChat extends Ferdi { async validateUrl(url) { try { const resp = await window.fetch(`${url}/api/info`, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); const data = await resp.json(); return Object.hasOwnProperty.call(data, 'version'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } return false; } }; ``` ### overrideUserAgent() Override the user agent used inside the service webview. #### Returns `String` #### Usage ```js module.exports = Ferdi => class Discord extends Ferdi { overrideUserAgent() { // Remove Ferdi's signature from the user agent return window.navigator.userAgent.replace( /(Ferdi|Electron)\/\S+ \([^)]+\)/g, "" ); } }; ``` ```js module.exports = Ferdi => class Example extends Ferdi { overrideUserAgent() { // Use a completely different user agent return "Mozilla/2.02Gold (Win95; I)"; } }; ``` ### modifyRequestHeaders() Modify headers of HTTP requests sent from a recipe's webview Any standard HTTP header can be added to the requests. #### Returns `Array` containing objects, each of which should have two properties. * `headers` - Object containing the header params and their values in key-value format * `requestFilters` - Array of URL patterns used to filter requests for which the headers need to be added. Valid URL patterns can be referred from [here](https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/web-request#webrequestonbeforerequestfilter-listener) #### Usage ```js // Hangouts Chat integration module.exports = Ferdi => class HangoutsChat extends Ferdi { modifyRequestHeaders() { return [{ // Adding an origin header for all http requests from this recipe headers: { 'origin': 'https://chat.google.com' }, requestFilters: { urls: ['*://*/*'] } }] } }; ``` ### Events Ferdi recipes can hook into the [electron webview events](https://electron.atom.io/docs/api/webview-tag/#dom-events) to trigger custom functions. This is necessary for services like TweetDeck where custom URL forwarding is needed during login. #### Usage ```js module.exports = Ferdi => class Tweetdeck extends Ferdi { events = { 'did-get-redirect-request': '_redirectFix', } _redirectFix(event) { if (event.newURL !== undefined && event.oldURL !== undefined && event.isMainFrame) { setTimeout(() => this.send('redirect-url', event.newURL), 100); event.preventDefault(); } } }; ```