path: root/recipes/google-duo
diff options
authorLibravatar Vijay A <vraravam@users.noreply.github.com>2022-06-16 04:02:19 +0530
committerLibravatar Vijay Aravamudhan <vraravam@users.noreply.github.com>2022-06-16 04:10:20 +0530
commit4d281c4ddc3a3498b846ebb94442babc04c2bca7 (patch)
treeb5cd2fd45a677bf573934861f09162db8e035094 /recipes/google-duo
parentAdding Tchap service (#40) (diff)
Added new recipe: google-duo
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/google-duo')
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/google-duo/icon.svg b/recipes/google-duo/icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aac71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/google-duo/icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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8.9,4 8.9,8.9 v -1 c 0,-4.9 -4,-8.9 -8.9,-8.9 h -44.2 c -4.9,0 -8.9,4 -8.9,8.9 v 1 c 0,-4.9 4,-8.9 8.9,-8.9 z m 53.1,19 v 1 l 18,-18 v -1 z" class="st10"/><path id="path57" fill="#1a237e" d="m 222.1,200 h -44.2 c -4.9,0 -8.9,-4 -8.9,-8.9 v 1 c 0,4.9 4,8.9 8.9,8.9 h 44.2 c 4.9,0 8.9,-4 8.9,-8.9 v -1 c 0,4.9 -4,8.9 -8.9,8.9 z m 8.9,-19 18,18 v -1 l -18,-18 z" class="st8" enable-background="new" opacity=".2"/><defs id="defs59"><path id="path961" d="M 284.6,184.8 249,148 v 50 l -18,-18 v 11.1 c 0,4.9 -4,8.9 -8.9,8.9 h -44.2 c -2.1,0 -4,-0.7 -5.6,-2 l 56.2,56.2 c 30.4,-9.6 53,-36.7 56.1,-69.4 z"/></defs><clipPath id="clipPath931"><use id="use929" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" overflow="visible" xlink:href="#SVGID_9_"/></clipPath><path id="path65" fill="#f5f5f5" d="m 249,198 -18,-18 v 11.1 c 0,4.9 -4,8.9 -8.9,8.9 h -44.2 c -4.9,0 -8.9,-4 -8.9,-8.9 V 173 h 80 z" class="st11" clip-path="url(#SVGID_10_)"/><path id="path67" fill="#1a237e" d="m 251.8,148 0.4,0.4 -66.1,66.2 -13.8,-13.8 V 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-81,81.4 C 123.3,132 159.4,96 204,96 h 69 c 6.6,0 12,5.4 12,12 v -1 c 0,-6.6 -5.4,-12 -12,-12 z" class="st9" enable-background="new" opacity=".2"/><path id="path78" fill="#fff" d="m 177.9,145 h 44.2 c 4.9,0 8.9,4 8.9,8.9 v -1 c 0,-4.9 -4,-8.9 -8.9,-8.9 h -44.2 c -4.9,0 -8.9,4 -8.9,8.9 v 1 c 0,-4.9 4,-8.9 8.9,-8.9 z m 53.1,19 v 1 l 18,-18 v -1 z" class="st10"/><path id="path80" fill="#1a237e" d="m 222.1,199 h -44.2 c -4.9,0 -8.9,-4 -8.9,-8.9 v 1 c 0,4.9 4,8.9 8.9,8.9 h 44.2 c 4.9,0 8.9,-4 8.9,-8.9 v -1 c 0,4.9 -4,8.9 -8.9,8.9 z m 8.9,-19 18,18 v -1 l -18,-18 z" class="st8" enable-background="new" opacity=".2"/><linearGradient id="linearGradient948" x1="219.149" x2="280.472" y1="344.499" y2="405.822" gradientTransform="translate(0,-164)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop id="stop944" offset="0" stop-color="#1A237E" stop-opacity=".2"/><stop id="stop946" offset="1" stop-color="#1A237E" stop-opacity=".02"/></linearGradient><path id="path87" fill="url(#SVGID_11_)" d="M 284.6,183.8 249,147 v 50 l -18,-18 v 11.1 c 0,4.9 -4,8.9 -8.9,8.9 h -44.2 c -2.1,0 -4,-0.7 -5.6,-2 l 56.2,56.2 c 30.4,-9.6 53,-36.7 56.1,-69.4 z" class="st15"/><path id="path89" fill="#f5f5f5" d="m 249,197 -18,-18 v 11.1 c 0,4.9 -4,8.9 -8.9,8.9 h -44.2 c -4.9,0 -8.9,-4 -8.9,-8.9 v -22.5 h 80 z" class="st16"/><path id="path91" fill="#e1e1e1" d="m 249,147 -18,18 v -11.1 c 0,-4.9 -4,-8.9 -8.9,-8.9 h -44.2 c -4.9,0 -8.9,4 -8.9,8.9 V 172 h 80 z" class="st17"/><path id="path93" fill="none" d="M 113,75 H 305 V 267 H 113 Z" class="st2"/></g></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipes/google-duo/index.js b/recipes/google-duo/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd41f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/google-duo/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
module.exports = Ferdium => Ferdium;
diff --git a/recipes/google-duo/package.json b/recipes/google-duo/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d50a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/google-duo/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
2 "id": "google-duo",
3 "name": "Google Duo",
4 "version": "1.0.0",
5 "license": "MIT",
6 "repository": "https://github.com/AnalogCyan/recipe-franz-googleduo",
7 "config": {
8 "serviceURL": "https://duo.google.com/?web",
9 "hasNotificationSound": true
10 }