# The tweets/ folder To create a new tweet create a new `*.tweet` file in this `tweets/` folder. [Create new tweet](../../../new/master/?filename=tweets/.tweet) ## Example Create a new file `tweets/hello-world.tweet` with the content > Hello, world! You can use subfolders, e.g. `tweets/2019-02/hello-world.tweet`, as long as the file is in the `tweets/` folder and has the `.tweet` file extension ## Create a tweet with a twitter poll **Note**: The configured twitter account needs to be authorized to use Twitters Ads API in order to send tweets including a poll. A tweet including a poll must end with 2-4 options in the following format > Here is some text > > ( ) option A > ( ) option B > ( ) option C > ( ) option D ## Notes - Only newly created files are handled, deletions, updates or renames are ignored. - `*.tweet` files will not be created for tweets you send out directly from twitter.com - If you need to rename an existing tweet file, please do so locally using [`git mv old_filename new_filename`](https://help.github.com/en/articles/renaming-a-file-using-the-command-line), otherwise it may occur as deleted and added which would trigger a new tweet. - your message must fit into a single tweet ## Questions? If you have any further questions or suggestions, please create an issue at https://github.com/gr2m/twitter-together/issues/new