import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import { v4 as uuidV4 } from 'uuid'; const debug = require('../preload-safe-debug')('Ferdium:Notifications'); export class NotificationsHandler { onNotify = (data: { title: string; options: any; notificationId: string }) => data; displayNotification(title: string, options: any) { return new Promise(resolve => { debug('New notification', title, options); const notificationId = uuidV4(); ipcRenderer.sendToHost( 'notification', this.onNotify({ title, options, notificationId, }), ); ipcRenderer.once(`notification-onclick:${notificationId}`, () => { resolve(true); }); }); } } export const notificationsClassDefinition = `(() => { class Notification { static permission = 'granted'; constructor(title = '', options = {}) { window.ferdium.displayNotification(title, options).then(() => { // TODO: After several tries, we couldn't find a way to trigger the native notification onclick event. // This was needed so that user could go to the specific context when clicking on the notification (it only goes to the service now). // For now, we don't do anything here }); } static requestPermission(cb) { if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(Notification.permission); } return Promise.resolve(Notification.permission); } onNotify(data) { return data; } } window.Notification = Notification; })();`;