import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import { FindInPage as ElectronFindInPage } from 'electron-find'; // Shim to expose webContents functionality to electron-find without @electron/remote const webContentsShim = { findInPage: (text: string, options = {}) => ipcRenderer.sendSync('find-in-page', text, options), stopFindInPage: (action: any) => { ipcRenderer.sendSync('stop-find-in-page', action); }, on: ( eventName: string, listener: (arg0: { sender: undefined }, arg1: any) => void, ): void => { if (eventName === 'found-in-page') { ipcRenderer.on('found-in-page', (_, result) => { listener({ sender: this }, result); }); } }, }; export default class FindInPage extends ElectronFindInPage { constructor(options = {}) { super(webContentsShim, options); } }