import { observable, action, computed, makeObservable } from 'mobx'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash/fp'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define type Hook = (request: Request) => void; export default class Request { static _hooks: Hook[] = []; static registerHook(hook: Hook) { Request._hooks.push(hook); } @observable result: any = null; @observable error: any = null; @observable isExecuting = false; @observable isError = false; @observable wasExecuted = false; promise: any = Promise; protected api: any = {}; method = ''; protected isWaitingForResponse = false; protected currentApiCall: any = null; retry = () => this.reload(); reset = () => this._reset(); constructor(api, method) { makeObservable(this); this.api = api; this.method = method; } @action _reset(): this { this.error = null; this.result = null; this.isExecuting = false; this.isError = false; this.wasExecuted = false; this.isWaitingForResponse = false; this.promise = Promise; return this; } execute(...callArgs: any[]): this { // Do not continue if this request is already loading if (this.isWaitingForResponse) return this; if (!this.api[this.method]) { throw new Error( `Missing method <${this.method}> on api object:`, this.api, ); } // This timeout is necessary to avoid warnings from mobx // regarding triggering actions as side-effect of getters setTimeout( action(() => { this.isExecuting = true; }), 0, ); // Issue api call & save it as promise that is handled to update the results of the operation this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.api[this.method](...callArgs) .then(result => { setTimeout( action(() => { this.error = null; this.result = result; if (this.currentApiCall) this.currentApiCall.result = result; this.isExecuting = false; this.isError = false; this.wasExecuted = true; this.isWaitingForResponse = false; this._triggerHooks(); resolve(result); }), 1, ); return result; }) .catch( action(error => { setTimeout( action(() => { this.error = error; this.isExecuting = false; this.isError = true; this.wasExecuted = true; this.isWaitingForResponse = false; this._triggerHooks(); reject(error); }), 1, ); }), ); }); this.isWaitingForResponse = true; this.currentApiCall = { args: callArgs, result: null }; return this; } reload(): this { const args = this.currentApiCall ? this.currentApiCall.args : []; this.error = null; return this.execute(...args); } isExecutingWithArgs(...args: any[]): boolean { return ( this.isExecuting && this.currentApiCall && isEqual(this.currentApiCall.args, args) ); } @computed get isExecutingFirstTime(): boolean { return !this.wasExecuted && this.isExecuting; } /* eslint-disable unicorn/no-thenable */ then(...args: any[]) { if (!this.promise) throw new Error( 'You have to call Request::execute before you can access it as promise', ); return this.promise.then(...args); } catch(...args: any[]) { if (!this.promise) throw new Error( 'You have to call Request::execute before you can access it as promise', ); return this.promise.catch(...args); } _triggerHooks(): void { for (const hook of Request._hooks) { hook(this); } } }