// @flow import { action } from 'mobx'; import { isEqual, remove } from 'lodash'; import Request from './Request'; export default class CachedRequest extends Request { _apiCalls = []; _isInvalidated = true; execute(...callArgs) { // Do not continue if this request is already loading if (this._isWaitingForResponse) return this; // Very simple caching strategy -> only continue if the call / args changed // or the request was invalidated manually from outside const existingApiCall = this._findApiCall(callArgs); // Invalidate if new or different api call will be done if (existingApiCall && existingApiCall !== this._currentApiCall) { this._isInvalidated = true; this._currentApiCall = existingApiCall; } else if (!existingApiCall) { this._isInvalidated = true; this._currentApiCall = this._addApiCall(callArgs); } // Do not continue if this request is not invalidated (see above) if (!this._isInvalidated) return this; // This timeout is necessary to avoid warnings from mobx // regarding triggering actions as side-effect of getters setTimeout(action(() => { this.isExecuting = true; // Apply the previous result from this call immediately (cached) if (existingApiCall) { this.result = existingApiCall.result; } }), 0); // Issue api call & save it as promise that is handled to update the results of the operation this._promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._api[this._method](...callArgs) .then((result) => { setTimeout(action(() => { this.result = result; if (this._currentApiCall) this._currentApiCall.result = result; this.isExecuting = false; this.isError = false; this.wasExecuted = true; this._isInvalidated = false; this._isWaitingForResponse = false; this._triggerHooks(); resolve(result); }), 1); return result; }) .catch(action((error) => { setTimeout(action(() => { this.error = error; this.isExecuting = false; this.isError = true; this.wasExecuted = true; this._isWaitingForResponse = false; this._triggerHooks(); reject(error); }), 1); })); }); this._isWaitingForResponse = true; return this; } invalidate(options = { immediately: false }) { this._isInvalidated = true; if (options.immediately && this._currentApiCall) { return this.execute(...this._currentApiCall.args); } return this; } patch(modify) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(action(() => { const override = modify(this.result); if (override !== undefined) this.result = override; if (this._currentApiCall) this._currentApiCall.result = this.result; resolve(this); }), 0); }); } removeCacheForCallWith(...args) { remove(this._apiCalls, c => isEqual(c.args, args)); } _addApiCall(args) { const newCall = { args, result: null }; this._apiCalls.push(newCall); return newCall; } _findApiCall(args) { return this._apiCalls.find(c => isEqual(c.args, args)); } }