import { observable, action } from 'mobx'; import { Actions } from '../actions/lib/actions'; import { ApiInterface } from '../api'; import { Stores } from '../@types/stores.types'; import Request from './lib/Request'; import TypedStore from './lib/TypedStore'; interface Message { type: 'error' | 'log' | 'info'; error?: { message?: string; status?: number; }; request?: { result: any; wasExecuted: any; method: any; }; response?: any; server?: any; info?: any; url?: string; line?: number; } export default class GlobalErrorStore extends TypedStore { @observable error: any | null = null; @observable messages: Message[] = []; @observable response: object = {}; // TODO: Get rid of the @ts-ignores in this function. constructor(stores: Stores, api: ApiInterface, actions: Actions) { super(stores, api, actions); window.addEventListener('error', (...errorArgs: any[]): void => { // @ts-ignore ts-message: Expected 5 arguments, but got 2., ['error', ...errorArgs]); }); const origConsoleError = console.error; window.console.error = (...errorArgs: any[]) => { // @ts-ignore ts-message: Expected 5 arguments, but got 2., ['error', ...errorArgs]); origConsoleError.apply(this, errorArgs); }; const origConsoleLog = console.log; window.console.log = (...logArgs: any[]) => { // @ts-ignore ts-message: Expected 5 arguments, but got 2., ['log', ...logArgs]); origConsoleLog.apply(this, logArgs); }; const origConsoleInfo =; = (...infoArgs: any[]) => { // @ts-ignore ts-message: Expected 5 arguments, but got 2., ['info', ...infoArgs]); origConsoleInfo.apply(this, infoArgs); }; Request.registerHook(this._handleRequests); } async setup(): Promise { // Not implemented } _handleConsoleError(type: any, error: any, url: string, line: number) { if (typeof type === 'object' && type.length > 0) { this.messages.push({ type: type[0], info: type, }); } else { this.messages.push({ type, error, url, line, }); } } @action _handleRequests = async (request: { isError: any; error: { json: () => object | PromiseLike }; result: any; wasExecuted: any; _method: any; }): Promise => { if (request.isError) { this.error = request.error; if (request.error.json) { try { this.response = await request.error.json(); } catch { this.response = {}; } if (this.error?.status === 401) { window['ferdium'] = true; } } this.messages.push({ type: 'error', request: { result: request.result, wasExecuted: request.wasExecuted, method: request._method, }, error: this.error, response: this.response, server: window['ferdium'], }); } else { window['ferdium'] = false; } }; }