const Recipe = use('App/Models/Recipe'); const Drive = use('Drive'); const { validateAll, } = use('Validator'); const Env = use('Env'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); class RecipeController { // List official and custom recipes async list({ response, }) { const officialRecipes = JSON.parse(await (await fetch('')).text()); const customRecipesArray = (await Recipe.all()).rows; const customRecipes = => ({ id: recipe.recipeId, name:, ...JSON.parse(, })); const recipes = [ ...officialRecipes, ...customRecipes, ]; return response.send(recipes); } // Search official and custom recipes async search({ request, response, }) { // Validate user input const validation = await validateAll(request.all(), { needle: 'required', }); if (validation.fails()) { return response.status(401).send({ message: 'Please provide a needle', messages: validation.messages(), status: 401, }); } const needle = request.input('needle'); // Get results let results; if (needle === 'ferdi:custom') { const dbResults = (await Recipe.all()).toJSON(); results = => ({ id: recipe.recipeId, name:, ...JSON.parse(, })); } else { let remoteResults = []; if (Env.get('CONNECT_WITH_FRANZ') == 'true') { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq remoteResults = JSON.parse(await (await fetch(`${encodeURIComponent(needle)}`)).text()); } const localResultsArray = (await Recipe.query().where('name', 'LIKE', `%${needle}%`).fetch()).toJSON(); const localResults = => ({ id: recipe.recipeId, name:, ...JSON.parse(, })); results = [ ...localResults, ...remoteResults || [], ]; } return response.send(results); } // Download a recipe async download({ response, params, }) { // Validate user input const validation = await validateAll(params, { recipe: 'required|accepted', }); if (validation.fails()) { return response.status(401).send({ message: 'Please provide a recipe ID', messages: validation.messages(), status: 401, }); } const service = params.recipe; // Check for invalid characters if (/\.{1,}/.test(service) || /\/{1,}/.test(service)) { return response.send('Invalid recipe name'); } // Check if recipe exists in recipes folder if (await Drive.exists(`${service}.tar.gz`)) { return response.send(await Drive.get(`${service}.tar.gz`)); } if (Env.get('CONNECT_WITH_FRANZ') == 'true') { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq return response.redirect(`${service}`); } return response.status(400).send({ message: 'Recipe not found', code: 'recipe-not-found', }); } } module.exports = RecipeController;