/** * Add CrowdIn Contributors to AllContributors list * * This script will add CrowdIn Contributors to the list of all contributors. * As the CrowdIn API doesn't give good access to the data needed, this script * requires you to manually execute a script on the members page of CrowdIn * and paste its output into this script. * * Usage: * 1. Open https://crowdin.com/project/getferdi/settings#members * 2. Open the console and execute the script below: const members = []; // All elements containing members const membersEl = [...document.querySelectorAll('.ps-members-name')]; // Remove the first 4 contributors as they are already in the list for (let i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { membersEl.shift(); } membersEl.forEach((el) => { const text = el.innerText; let picture = el.querySelector('img').getAttribute('src'); picture = picture.replace(/\?.+/, ''); // Check if the text includes a seperate username if (text.includes('(')) { const username = /(?<=\()\w*(?=\))/.exec(text)[0]; const name = /^.*(?= \()/.exec(text)[0]; if (username) { members.push({ name: name || username, login: username, avatar_url: picture, }); return; } } members.push({ name: text, login: text, avatar_url: picture, }); }); // Output data to console console.clear(); console.log(JSON.stringify(members)); * 3. Paste the output of the script (JSON Array) below to set 'list' to that value * 4. Execute this script using 'node src/scripts/add-crowdin-contributors.js' * 5. Regenerate the README table using the CLI ('all-contributors generate') * Please check if the generated data is ok and no data is lost. */ const list = []; const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const allContributors = require('all-contributors-cli'); const infoPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../.all-contributorsrc'); (async () => { const info = await fs.readJSON(infoPath); for (const user of list) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop info.contributors = await allContributors.addContributorWithDetails({ ...user, contributions: ['translation'], profile: `https://crowdin.com/profile/${user.login}`, options: { contributors: info.contributors, }, }); } fs.writeJSON(infoPath, info, { spaces: 2, }); })();