import { autorun, computed, observable } from 'mobx'; import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import normalizeUrl from 'normalize-url'; import path from 'path'; import userAgent from '../helpers/userAgent-helpers'; const debug = require('debug')('Ferdi:Service'); export const RESTRICTION_TYPES = { SERVICE_LIMIT: 0, CUSTOM_URL: 1, }; export default class Service { id = ''; recipe = ''; webview = null; timer = null; events = {}; @observable isAttached = false; @observable isActive = false; // Is current webview active @observable name = ''; @observable unreadDirectMessageCount = 0; @observable unreadIndirectMessageCount = 0; @observable order = 99; @observable isEnabled = true; @observable isMuted = false; @observable isHibernating = false; @observable team = ''; @observable customUrl = ''; @observable isNotificationEnabled = true; @observable isBadgeEnabled = true; @observable isIndirectMessageBadgeEnabled = true; @observable iconUrl = ''; @observable hasCustomUploadedIcon = false; @observable hasCrashed = false; @observable isDarkModeEnabled = false; @observable darkReaderSettings = { brightness: 100, contrast: 90, sepia: 10 }; @observable spellcheckerLanguage = null; @observable isFirstLoad = true; @observable isLoading = true; @observable isError = false; @observable errorMessage = ''; @observable isUsingCustomUrl = false; @observable isServiceAccessRestricted = false; @observable restrictionType = null; @observable disableHibernation = false; @observable lastUsed =; // timestamp @observable lastPoll = null; @observable lastPollAnswer = null; @observable lostRecipeConnection = false; @observable lostRecipeReloadAttempt = 0; @observable chromelessUserAgent = false; constructor(data, recipe) { if (!data) { console.error('Service config not valid'); return null; } if (!recipe) { console.error('Service recipe not valid'); return null; } = ||; = ||; = ||; this.customUrl = data.customUrl || this.customUrl; // this.customIconUrl = data.customIconUrl || this.customIconUrl; this.iconUrl = data.iconUrl || this.iconUrl; this.order = data.order !== undefined ? data.order : this.order; this.isEnabled = data.isEnabled !== undefined ? data.isEnabled : this.isEnabled; this.isNotificationEnabled = data.isNotificationEnabled !== undefined ? data.isNotificationEnabled : this.isNotificationEnabled; this.isBadgeEnabled = data.isBadgeEnabled !== undefined ? data.isBadgeEnabled : this.isBadgeEnabled; this.isIndirectMessageBadgeEnabled = data.isIndirectMessageBadgeEnabled !== undefined ? data.isIndirectMessageBadgeEnabled : this.isIndirectMessageBadgeEnabled; this.isMuted = data.isMuted !== undefined ? data.isMuted : this.isMuted; this.isDarkModeEnabled = data.isDarkModeEnabled !== undefined ? data.isDarkModeEnabled : this.isDarkModeEnabled; this.darkReaderSettings = data.darkReaderSettings !== undefined ? data.darkReaderSettings : this.darkReaderSettings; this.hasCustomUploadedIcon = data.hasCustomIcon !== undefined ? data.hasCustomIcon : this.hasCustomUploadedIcon; this.proxy = data.proxy !== undefined ? data.proxy : this.proxy; this.spellcheckerLanguage = data.spellcheckerLanguage !== undefined ? data.spellcheckerLanguage : this.spellcheckerLanguage; this.disableHibernation = data.disableHibernation !== undefined ? data.disableHibernation : this.disableHibernation; this.recipe = recipe; // Check if "Hibernate on Startup" is enabled and hibernate all services except active one const { hibernate, hibernateOnStartup, } =; // The service store is probably not loaded yet so we need to use localStorage data to get active service const isActive = window.localStorage.service && JSON.parse(window.localStorage.service).activeService ===; if (hibernate && hibernateOnStartup && !isActive) { this.isHibernating = true; } autorun(() => { if (!this.isEnabled) { this.webview = null; this.isAttached = false; this.unreadDirectMessageCount = 0; this.unreadIndirectMessageCount = 0; } if (this.recipe.hasCustomUrl && this.customUrl) { this.isUsingCustomUrl = true; } }); } @computed get shareWithWebview() { return { id:, spellcheckerLanguage: this.spellcheckerLanguage, isDarkModeEnabled: this.isDarkModeEnabled, darkReaderSettings: this.darkReaderSettings, team:, url: this.url, hasCustomIcon: this.hasCustomIcon, }; } @computed get url() { if (this.recipe.hasCustomUrl && this.customUrl) { let url; try { url = normalizeUrl(this.customUrl, { stripWWW: false, removeTrailingSlash: false }); } catch (err) { console.error(`Service (${}): '${this.customUrl}' is not a valid Url.`); } if (typeof this.recipe.buildUrl === 'function') { url = this.recipe.buildUrl(url); } return url; } if (this.recipe.hasTeamId && { return this.recipe.serviceURL.replace('{teamId}',; } return this.recipe.serviceURL; } @computed get icon() { if (this.iconUrl) { return this.iconUrl; } return path.join(this.recipe.path, 'icon.svg'); } @computed get hasCustomIcon() { return Boolean(this.iconUrl); } @computed get iconPNG() { return path.join(this.recipe.path, 'icon.png'); } @computed get userAgent() { let ua = userAgent(this.chromelessUserAgent); if (typeof this.recipe.overrideUserAgent === 'function') { ua = this.recipe.overrideUserAgent(); } return ua; } initializeWebViewEvents({ handleIPCMessage, openWindow, stores }) { const webContents = this.webview.getWebContents(); // If the recipe has implemented modifyRequestHeaders, // Send those headers to ipcMain so that it can be set in session if (typeof this.recipe.modifyRequestHeaders === 'function') { const modifiedRequestHeaders = this.recipe.modifyRequestHeaders(); debug(, 'modifiedRequestHeaders', modifiedRequestHeaders); ipcRenderer.send('modifyRequestHeaders', { modifiedRequestHeaders, serviceId:, }); } else { debug(, 'modifyRequestHeaders is not defined in the recipe'); } const handleUserAgent = (url, forwardingHack = false) => { if (url.startsWith('')) { if (!this.chromelessUserAgent) { debug('Setting user agent to chromeless for url', url); this.webview.setUserAgent(userAgent(true)); if (forwardingHack) { this.webview.loadURL(url); } this.chromelessUserAgent = true; } } else if (this.chromelessUserAgent) { debug('Setting user agent to contain chrome'); this.webview.setUserAgent(this.userAgent); this.chromelessUserAgent = false; } }; this.webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', e => handleIPCMessage({ serviceId:, channel:, args: e.args, })); this.webview.addEventListener('new-window', (event, url, frameName, options) => { debug('new-window', event, url, frameName, options); if (event.disposition === 'foreground-tab') { ipcRenderer.send('open-browser-window', event,; } else { openWindow({ event, url, frameName, options, }); } }); this.webview.addEventListener('will-navigate', event => handleUserAgent(event.url, true)); this.webview.addEventListener('did-start-loading', (event) => { debug('Did start load',, event); this.hasCrashed = false; this.isLoading = true; this.isError = false; }); const didLoad = () => { this.isLoading = false; if (!this.isError) { this.isFirstLoad = false; } }; this.webview.addEventListener('did-frame-finish-load', didLoad.bind(this)); this.webview.addEventListener('did-navigate', (event) => { handleUserAgent(event.url); didLoad(); }); this.webview.addEventListener('did-fail-load', (event) => { debug('Service failed to load',, event); if (event.isMainFrame && event.errorCode !== -21 && event.errorCode !== -3) { this.isError = true; this.errorMessage = event.errorDescription; this.isLoading = false; } }); this.webview.addEventListener('crashed', () => { debug('Service crashed',; this.hasCrashed = true; }); webContents.on('login', (event, request, authInfo, callback) => { // const authCallback = callback; debug('browser login event', authInfo); event.preventDefault(); if (authInfo.isProxy && authInfo.scheme === 'basic') { debug('Sending service echo ping'); webContents.send('get-service-id'); debug('Received service id',; const ps = stores.settings.proxy[]; if (ps) { debug('Sending proxy auth callback for service',; callback(ps.user, ps.password); } else { debug('No proxy auth config found for',; } } }); } initializeWebViewListener() { if (this.webview && { Object.keys( => { const eventHandler = this.recipe[[eventName]]; if (typeof eventHandler === 'function') { this.webview.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler); } }); } } resetMessageCount() { this.unreadDirectMessageCount = 0; this.unreadIndirectMessageCount = 0; } }