/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Http server |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This file bootstraps Adonisjs to start the HTTP server. You are free to | customize the process of booting the http server. | | """ Loading ace commands """ | At times you may want to load ace commands when starting the HTTP server. | Same can be done by chaining `loadCommands()` method after | | """ Preloading files """ | Also you can preload files by calling `preLoad('path/to/file')` method. | Make sure to pass a relative path from the project root. */ import { join } from 'node:path'; import fold from '@adonisjs/fold'; import { Ignitor, hooks } from '@adonisjs/ignitor'; import { chmod, readFile, stat, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { LOCAL_HOSTNAME } from '../config'; import { isWindows } from '../environment'; process.env.ENV_PATH = join(__dirname, 'env.ini'); async function ensureDB(dbPath: string): Promise { try { await stat(dbPath); } catch { // Database does not exist. // Manually copy file // We can't use copyFile here as it will cause the file to be readonly on Windows const dbTemplatePath = join(__dirname, 'database', 'template.sqlite'); const dbTemplate = await readFile(dbTemplatePath); await writeFile(dbPath, dbTemplate); // Change permissions to ensure to file is not read-only if (isWindows) { const stats = await stat(dbPath); // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise await chmod(dbPath, stats.mode | 146); } } } export const server = async (userPath: string, port: number, token: string) => { const dbPath = join(userPath, 'server.sqlite'); await ensureDB(dbPath); // Note: These env vars are used by adonis as env vars process.env.DB_PATH = dbPath; process.env.USER_PATH = userPath; process.env.HOST = LOCAL_HOSTNAME; process.env.PORT = port.toString(); process.env.FERDIUM_LOCAL_TOKEN = token; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let returned = false; hooks.after.httpServer(() => { if (!returned) { resolve(); returned = true; } }); new Ignitor(fold) .appRoot(__dirname) .fireHttpServer() .catch(error => { console.error(error); if (!returned) { returned = true; reject(error); } }); }); };