const User = use('App/Models/User'); const Service = use('App/Models/Service'); const Workspace = use('App/Models/Workspace'); const { validateAll, } = use('Validator'); const btoa = require('btoa'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const uuid = require('uuid/v4'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const { DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS, API_VERSION } = require('../../../../environment'); const { default: userAgent } = require('../../../../helpers/userAgent-helpers'); const apiRequest = (url, route, method, auth) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { fetch(`${url}/${API_VERSION}/${route}`, { method, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${auth}`, 'User-Agent': userAgent(), }, }) .then(data => data.json()) .then(json => resolve(json)); } catch (e) { reject(); } }); const LOGIN_SUCCESS_TOKEN = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJGZXJkaSBJbnRlcm5hbCBTZXJ2ZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE1NzEwNDAyMTUsImV4cCI6MjUzMzk1NDE3ODQ0LCJhdWQiOiJnZXRmZXJkaS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiJmZXJkaUBsb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJ1c2VySWQiOiIxIn0.9_TWFGp6HROv8Yg82Rt6i1-95jqWym40a-HmgrdMC6M'; const DEFAULT_USER_DATA = { accountType: 'individual', beta: false, email: '', emailValidated: true, features: {}, firstname: 'Ferdi', id: '82c1cf9d-ab58-4da2-b55e-aaa41d2142d8', isSubscriptionOwner: true, lastname: 'Application', locale: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.fallbackLocale, }; class UserController { // Register a new user async signup({ request, response, }) { // Validate user input const validation = await validateAll(request.all(), { firstname: 'required', email: 'required|email', password: 'required', }); if (validation.fails()) { return response.status(401).send({ message: 'Invalid POST arguments', messages: validation.messages(), status: 401, }); } return response.send({ message: 'Successfully created account', token: LOGIN_SUCCESS_TOKEN, }); } // Login using an existing user async login({ request, response, }) { if (!request.header('Authorization')) { return response.status(401).send({ message: 'Please provide authorization', status: 401, }); } return response.send({ message: 'Successfully logged in', token: LOGIN_SUCCESS_TOKEN, }); } // Return information about the current user async me({ response, }) { const user = await User.find(1); const settings = typeof user.settings === 'string' ? JSON.parse(user.settings) : user.settings; return response.send({ ...DEFAULT_USER_DATA, ...settings || {}, }); } async updateMe({ request, response, }) { const user = await User.find(1); let settings = user.settings || {}; if (typeof settings === 'string') { settings = JSON.parse(settings); } const newSettings = { ...settings, ...request.all(), }; user.settings = JSON.stringify(newSettings); await; return response.send({ data: { ...DEFAULT_USER_DATA, ...newSettings, }, status: [ 'data-updated', ], }); } async import({ request, response, }) { // Validate user input const validation = await validateAll(request.all(), { email: 'required|email', password: 'required', server: 'required', }); if (validation.fails()) { let errorMessage = 'There was an error while trying to import your account:\n'; for (const message of validation.messages()) { if (message.validation === 'required') { errorMessage += `- Please make sure to supply your ${message.field}\n`; } else if (message.validation === 'unique') { errorMessage += '- There is already a user with this email.\n'; } else { errorMessage += `${message.message}\n`; } } return response.status(401).send(errorMessage); } const { email, password, server, } = request.all(); const hashedPassword = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(password).digest('base64'); // Try to get an authentication token let token; try { const basicToken = btoa(`${email}:${hashedPassword}`); const rawResponse = await fetch(`${server}/${API_VERSION}/auth/login`, { method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: `Basic ${basicToken}`, 'User-Agent': userAgent(), }, }); const content = await rawResponse.json(); if (!content.message || content.message !== 'Successfully logged in') { const errorMessage = 'Could not login into Franz with your supplied credentials. Please check and try again'; return response.status(401).send(errorMessage); } // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring token = content.token; } catch (e) { return response.status(401).send({ message: 'Cannot login to Franz', error: e, }); } // Get user information let userInf = false; try { userInf = await apiRequest(server, 'me', 'GET', token); } catch (e) { const errorMessage = `Could not get your user info from Franz. Please check your credentials or try again later.\nError: ${e}`; return response.status(401).send(errorMessage); } if (!userInf) { const errorMessage = 'Could not get your user info from Franz. Please check your credentials or try again later'; return response.status(401).send(errorMessage); } const serviceIdTranslation = {}; // Import services try { const services = await apiRequest(server, 'me/services', 'GET', token); for (const service of services) { await this._createAndCacheService(service, serviceIdTranslation); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop } } catch (e) { const errorMessage = `Could not import your services into our system.\nError: ${e}`; return response.status(401).send(errorMessage); } // Import workspaces try { const workspaces = await apiRequest(server, 'workspace', 'GET', token); for (const workspace of workspaces) { await this._createWorkspace(workspace, serviceIdTranslation); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop } } catch (e) { const errorMessage = `Could not import your workspaces into our system.\nError: ${e}`; return response.status(401).send(errorMessage); } return response.send('Your account has been imported. You can now use your Franz account in Ferdi.'); } // Account import/export async export({ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars auth, response, }) { const services = (await Service.all()).toJSON(); const workspaces = (await Workspace.all()).toJSON(); const exportData = { username: 'Ferdi', mail: '', services, workspaces, }; return response .header('Content-Type', 'application/force-download') .header('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=export.ferdi-data') .send(exportData); } async importFerdi({ request, response, }) { const validation = await validateAll(request.all(), { file: 'required', }); if (validation.fails()) { return response.send(validation.messages()); } let file; try { file = JSON.parse(request.input('file')); } catch (e) { return response.send('Could not import: Invalid file, could not read file'); } if (!file || ! || !file.workspaces) { return response.send('Could not import: Invalid file (2)'); } const serviceIdTranslation = {}; // Import services try { for (const service of { await this._createAndCacheService(service, serviceIdTranslation); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop } } catch (e) { const errorMessage = `Could not import your services into our system.\nError: ${e}`; return response.send(errorMessage); } // Import workspaces try { for (const workspace of file.workspaces) { await this._createWorkspace(workspace, serviceIdTranslation); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop } } catch (e) { const errorMessage = `Could not import your workspaces into our system.\nError: ${e}`; return response.status(401).send(errorMessage); } return response.send('Your account has been imported.'); } async _createWorkspace(workspace, serviceIdTranslation) { let newWorkspaceId; do { newWorkspaceId = uuid(); } while ((await Workspace.query().where('workspaceId', newWorkspaceId).fetch()).rows.length > 0); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop if ( && typeof ( === 'string' && > 0) { = JSON.parse(; } const services = ( && typeof ( === 'object') ? => serviceIdTranslation[oldServiceId]) : []; if ( && typeof ( === 'string' && > 0) { = JSON.parse(; } await Workspace.create({ workspaceId: newWorkspaceId, name:, order: workspace.order, services: JSON.stringify(services), data: JSON.stringify( || {}), }); } async _createAndCacheService(service, serviceIdTranslation) { // Get new, unused uuid let newServiceId; do { newServiceId = uuid(); } while ((await Service.query().where('serviceId', newServiceId).fetch()).rows.length > 0); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop // store the old serviceId as the key for future lookup serviceIdTranslation[service.serviceId] = newServiceId; if (service.settings && typeof (service.settings) === 'string' && service.settings.length > 0) { service.settings = JSON.parse(service.settings); } await Service.create({ serviceId: newServiceId, name:, recipeId: service.recipeId, settings: JSON.stringify(service.settings || {}), }); } } module.exports = UserController;