const Service = use('App/Models/Service'); const { validateAll, } = use('Validator'); const Env = use('Env'); const uuid = require('uuid/v4'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); class ServiceController { // Create a new service for user async create({ request, response, }) { // Validate user input const validation = await validateAll(request.all(), { name: 'required|string', recipeId: 'required', }); if (validation.fails()) { return response.status(401).send({ message: 'Invalid POST arguments', messages: validation.messages(), status: 401, }); } const data = request.all(); // Get new, unused uuid let serviceId; do { serviceId = uuid(); } while ((await Service.query().where('serviceId', serviceId).fetch()).rows.length > 0); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop await Service.create({ serviceId, name:, recipeId: data.recipeId, settings: JSON.stringify(data), }); return response.send({ data: { userId: 1, id: serviceId, isEnabled: true, isNotificationEnabled: true, isBadgeEnabled: true, isMuted: false, isDarkModeEnabled: '', spellcheckerLanguage: '', order: 1, customRecipe: false, hasCustomIcon: false, workspaces: [], iconUrl: null,, }, status: ['created'], }); } // List all services a user has created async list({ response, }) { const services = (await Service.all()).rows; // Convert to array with all data Franz wants const servicesArray = => { const settings = typeof service.settings === 'string' ? JSON.parse(service.settings) : service.settings; return { customRecipe: false, hasCustomIcon: false, isBadgeEnabled: true, isDarkModeEnabled: '', isEnabled: true, isMuted: false, isNotificationEnabled: true, order: 1, spellcheckerLanguage: '', workspaces: [], ...JSON.parse(service.settings), iconUrl: settings.iconId ? `${Env.get('PORT')}/v1/icon/${settings.iconId}` : null, id: service.serviceId, name:, recipeId: service.recipeId, userId: 1, }; }); return response.send(servicesArray); } async edit({ request, response, params, }) { if (request.file('icon')) { // Upload custom service icon await fs.ensureDir(path.join(Env.get('USER_PATH'), 'icons')); const icon = request.file('icon', { types: ['image'], size: '2mb', }); const { id, } = params; const service = (await Service.query() .where('serviceId', id).fetch()).rows[0]; const settings = typeof service.settings === 'string' ? JSON.parse(service.settings) : service.settings; // Generate new icon ID let iconId; do { iconId = uuid() + uuid(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop } while (await fs.exists(path.join(Env.get('USER_PATH'), 'icons', iconId))); await icon.move(path.join(Env.get('USER_PATH'), 'icons'), { name: iconId, overwrite: true, }); if (!icon.moved()) { return response.status(500).send(icon.error()); } const newSettings = { ...settings, ...{ iconId, customIconVersion: settings && settings.customIconVersion ? settings.customIconVersion + 1 : 1, }, }; // Update data in database await (Service.query() .where('serviceId', id)).update({ name:, settings: JSON.stringify(newSettings), }); return response.send({ data: { id, name:, ...newSettings, iconUrl: `${Env.get('PORT')}/v1/icon/${newSettings.iconId}`, userId: 1, }, status: ['updated'], }); } // Update service info const data = request.all(); const { id, } = params; // Get current settings from db const serviceData = (await Service.query() .where('serviceId', id).fetch()).rows[0]; const settings = { ...typeof serviceData.settings === 'string' ? JSON.parse(serviceData.settings) : serviceData.settings,, }; // Update data in database await (Service.query() .where('serviceId', id)).update({ name:, settings: JSON.stringify(settings), }); // Get updated row const service = (await Service.query() .where('serviceId', id).fetch()).rows[0]; return response.send({ data: { id, name:, ...settings, iconUrl: `${Env.get('APP_URL')}/v1/icon/${settings.iconId}`, userId: 1, }, status: ['updated'], }); } async icon({ params, response, }) { const { id, } = params; const iconPath = path.join(Env.get('USER_PATH'), 'icons', id); if (!await fs.exists(iconPath)) { return response.status(404).send({ status: 'Icon doesn\'t exist', }); } return; } async reorder({ request, response, }) { const data = request.all(); for (const service of Object.keys(data)) { // Get current settings from db const serviceData = (await Service.query() // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop .where('serviceId', service).fetch()).rows[0]; const settings = { ...JSON.parse(serviceData.settings), order: data[service], }; // Update data in database await (Service.query() // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop .where('serviceId', service)) .update({ settings: JSON.stringify(settings), }); } // Get new services const services = (await Service.all()).rows; // Convert to array with all data Franz wants const servicesArray = => { const settings = typeof service.settings === 'string' ? JSON.parse(service.settings) : service.settings; return { customRecipe: false, hasCustomIcon: false, isBadgeEnabled: true, isDarkModeEnabled: '', isEnabled: true, isMuted: false, isNotificationEnabled: true, order: 1, spellcheckerLanguage: '', workspaces: [], ...JSON.parse(service.settings), iconUrl: settings.iconId ? `${Env.get('PORT')}/v1/icon/${settings.iconId}` : null, id: service.serviceId, name:, recipeId: service.recipeId, userId: 1, }; }); return response.send(servicesArray); } update({ response, }) { return response.send([]); } async delete({ params, response, }) { // Update data in database await (Service.query() .where('serviceId',; return response.send({ message: 'Sucessfully deleted service', status: 200, }); } } module.exports = ServiceController;