{ "app.errorHandler.action": "Tải lại", "app.errorHandler.headline": "Đã xảy ra lỗi", "changeserver.customServerLabel": "Custom server", "changeserver.headline": "Thay đổi máy chủ", "changeserver.label": "Máy chủ", "changeserver.submit": "Submit", "changeserver.urlError": "Nhập địa chỉ web", "changeserver.warning": "Cài đặt mở rộng sẽ không được lưu lại", "connectionLostBanner.cta": "Tải lại dịch vụ", "connectionLostBanner.informationLink": "Điều gì đã xảy ra?", "connectionLostBanner.message": "Mất kết nối tới {name}.", "feature.announcements.changelog.headline": "Những thay đổi trong phiên bản {version}", "feature.debugger.title": "Gửi thông tin gỡ lỗi", "feature.delayApp.headline": "Hãy trả phí để không phải chờ đợi", "feature.delayApp.text": "Vui lòng đợi {seconds} giây.", "feature.delayApp.trial.action": "Yes, I want the free 14 day trial of Ferdi Professional", "feature.delayApp.trial.actionShort": "Activate the free Ferdi Professional trial", "feature.delayApp.trial.headline": "Get the free Ferdi Professional 14 day trial and skip the line", "feature.delayApp.upgrade.action": "Lấy mã kích hoạt", "feature.delayApp.upgrade.actionShort": "Nâng cấp tài khoản", "feature.nightlyBuilds.activate": "Kích hoạt", "feature.nightlyBuilds.cancel": "Cancel", "feature.nightlyBuilds.info": "Nightly builds are highly experimental versions of Ferdi that may contain unpolished or uncompleted features. These nightly builds are mainly used by developers to test their newly developed features and how they will perform in the final build. If you don't know what you are doing, we suggest not activating nightly builds.", "feature.nightlyBuilds.title": "Nightly Builds", "feature.planSelection.cta.ctaDowngradeFree": "Downgrade to Free", "feature.planSelection.cta.stayOnFree": "Stay on Free", "feature.planSelection.cta.trial": "Start my free 14-days Trial", "feature.planSelection.cta.upgradePersonal": "Choose Personal", "feature.planSelection.cta.upgradePro": "Choose Professional", "feature.planSelection.free.text": "Basic functionality", "feature.planSelection.fullFeatureList": "Complete comparison of all plans", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.cta.downgrade": "Downgrade to Free", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.cta.upgrade": "Choose Personal", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.message": "You're about to downgrade to our Free account. Are you sure? Click here instead to get more services and functionality for just {currency}{price} a month.", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.title": "Downgrade your Ferdi Plan", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.subheadline": "It's time to make a choice. Ferdi works best on our Personal and Professional plans. Please have a look and choose the best one for you.", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.welcome": "Are you ready to choose, {name}", "feature.planSelection.personal.text": "More services, no waiting - ideal for personal use.", "feature.planSelection.pricesBasedOnAnnualPayment": "All prices based on yearly payment", "feature.planSelection.pro.text": "Unlimited services and professional features for you - and your team.", "feature.publishDebugInfo.error": "There was an error while trying to publish the debug information. Please try again later or view the console for more information.", "feature.publishDebugInfo.info": "Publishing your debug information helps us find issues and errors in Ferdi. By publishing your debug information you accept Ferdi Debugger's privacy policy and terms of service", "feature.publishDebugInfo.privacy": "Privacy policy", "feature.publishDebugInfo.publish": "Accept and publish", "feature.publishDebugInfo.published": "Your debug log was published and is now availible at", "feature.publishDebugInfo.terms": "Terms of service", "feature.publishDebugInfo.title": "Publish debug information", "feature.quickSwitch.info": "Select a service with TAB, ↑ and ↓. Open a service with ENTER.", "feature.quickSwitch.search": "Search...", "feature.quickSwitch.title": "QuickSwitch", "feature.serviceLimit.limitReached": "You have added {amount} out of {limit} services that are included in your plan. Please upgrade your account to add more services.", "feature.shareFranz.action.email": "Send as email", "feature.shareFranz.action.facebook": "Share on Facebook", "feature.shareFranz.action.twitter": "Share on Twitter", "feature.shareFranz.headline": "Ferdi is better together!", "feature.shareFranz.shareText.email": "I've added {count} services to Ferdi! Get the free app for WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Skype and co at www.getferdi.com", "feature.shareFranz.shareText.twitter": "I've added {count} services to Ferdi! Get the free app for WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Skype and co at www.getferdi.com /cc @FerdiMessenger", "feature.shareFranz.text": "Tell your friends and colleagues how awesome Ferdi is and help us to spread the word.", "feature.todos.premium.info": "Ferdi Todos are available to premium users now!", "feature.todos.premium.rollout": "Everyone else will have to wait a little longer.", "feature.todos.premium.upgrade": "Upgrade Account", "feature.trialStatusBar.cta": "Upgrade now", "feature.trialStatusBar.expired": "Your free Ferdi {plan} Trial has expired, please upgrade your account.", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.cta.downgrade": "Downgrade to Free", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.cta.upgrade": "Choose Personal", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.message": "You're about to downgrade to our Free account. Are you sure? Click here instead to get more services and functionality for just {currency}{price} a month.", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.title": "Downgrade your Ferdi Plan", "feature.trialStatusBar.restTime": "Your Free Ferdi {plan} Trial ends in {time}.", "global.api.unhealthy": "Can't connect to Ferdi online services", "global.franzProRequired": "Ferdi Professional Required", "global.notConnectedToTheInternet": "You are not connected to the internet.", "global.spellchecker.useDefault": "Use System Default ({default})", "global.spellchecking.autodetect": "Detect language automatically", "global.spellchecking.autodetect.short": "Tự động", "global.spellchecking.language": "Spell checking language", "global.upgradeButton.upgradeToPro": "Upgrade to Ferdi Professional", "import.headline": "Import your Ferdi 4 services", "import.notSupportedHeadline": "Services not yet supported in Ferdi 5", "import.skip.label": "I want to add services manually", "import.submit.label": "Import services", "infobar.authRequestFailed": "There were errors while trying to perform an authenticated request. Please try logging out and back in if this error persists.", "infobar.buttonChangelog": "Có gì mới?", "infobar.buttonInstallUpdate": "Restart & install update", "infobar.buttonReloadServices": "Tải lại dịch vụ", "infobar.requiredRequestsFailed": "Could not load services and user information", "infobar.servicesUpdated": "Your services have been updated.", "infobar.trialActivated": "Your trial was successfully activated. Happy messaging!", "infobar.updateAvailable": "A new update for Ferdi is available.", "invite.email.label": "Email address", "invite.headline.friends": "Invite 3 of your friends or colleagues", "invite.name.label": "Name", "invite.skip.label": "I want to do this later", "invite.submit.label": "Send invites", "invite.successInfo": "Invitations sent successfully", "locked.headline": "Locked", "locked.info": "Ferdi is currently locked. Please unlock Ferdi with your password to see your messages.", "locked.invalidCredentials": "Mật khẩu không hợp lệ", "locked.password.label": "Mật khẩu", "locked.submit.label": "Mở khoá", "locked.touchId": "Mở khoá bằng vân tay", "locked.touchIdPrompt": "mở khoá bằng vân tay", "locked.unlockWithPassword": "Mở khoá bằng mật khẩu", "login.changeServer": "Thay đổi máy chủ", "login.customServerQuestion": "Using a custom Ferdi server?", "login.customServerSuggestion": "Try importing your Franz account", "login.email.label": "Email address", "login.headline": "Đăng nhập", "login.invalidCredentials": "Email hoặc mật khẩu chưa chính xác", "login.link.password": "Đặt lại mật khẩu", "login.link.signup": "Tạo tài khoản miễn phí", "login.password.label": "Mật khẩu", "login.serverLogout": "Phiên làm việc của bạn bị quá hạn, hãy đăng nhập lại.", "login.submit.label": "Đăng nhập", "login.tokenExpired": "Phiên làm việc của bạn bị quá hạn, hãy đăng nhập lại.", "menu.Todoss.closeTodosDrawer": "Đóng mục Việc cần làm", "menu.Todoss.openTodosDrawer": "Mở mục Việc cần làm", "menu.app.about": "Giới thiệu về phần mềm Ferdi", "menu.app.announcement": "Có gì mới?", "menu.app.autohideMenuBar": "Tự động ẩn thanh Menu", "menu.app.checkForUpdates": "Kiểm tra cập nhật", "menu.app.hide": "Ẩn", "menu.app.hideOthers": "Ẩn các mục khác", "menu.app.quit": "Thoát", "menu.app.settings": "Các thiết lập", "menu.app.unhide": "Bỏ ẩn", "menu.edit": "Chỉnh sửa", "menu.edit.copy": "Sao chép", "menu.edit.cut": "Cắt", "menu.edit.delete": "Xóa", "menu.edit.emojiSymbols": "Biểu tượng cảm xúc", "menu.edit.findInPage": "Tìm trong trang", "menu.edit.paste": "Dán", "menu.edit.pasteAndMatchStyle": "Dán và Khớp Kiểu", "menu.edit.redo": "Làm lại", "menu.edit.selectAll": "Chọn tất cả", "menu.edit.speech": "Nói", "menu.edit.startDictation": "Bắt đầu đăng kí", "menu.edit.startSpeaking": "Bắt đầu nói", "menu.edit.stopSpeaking": "Dừng Nói", "menu.edit.undo": "Hoàn tác", "menu.file": "Tập tin", "menu.help": "Hỗ trợ", "menu.help.changelog": "Nhật ký thay đổi", "menu.help.debugInfo": "Sao chép thông tin gỡ lỗi", "menu.help.debugInfoCopiedBody": "Thông tin sản phẩm đã được sao chép vào bộ nhớ tạm của bạn.", "menu.help.debugInfoCopiedHeadline": "Thông tin gỡ lỗi", "menu.help.learnMore": "Tìm Hiểu Thêm", "menu.help.privacy": "Privacy Statement", "menu.help.publishDebugInfo": "Gửi thông tin gỡ lỗi", "menu.help.support": "Hỗ trợ", "menu.help.tos": "Terms of Service", "menu.services": "Dịch vụ", "menu.services.activatePreviousService": "Activate previous service", "menu.services.addNewService": "Add New Service", "menu.services.goHome": "Trang chủ", "menu.services.setNextServiceActive": "Activate next service", "menu.todos": "Danh sách cần làm", "menu.todos.enableTodos": "Mở danh sách cần làm", "menu.view": "View", "menu.view.back": "Quay lại", "menu.view.enterFullScreen": "Xem toàn màn hình", "menu.view.exitFullScreen": "Thoát toàn màn hình", "menu.view.forward": "Tới trước", "menu.view.lockFerdi": "Khoá ứng dụng", "menu.view.openQuickSwitch": "Mở chuyển nhanh", "menu.view.reloadFranz": "Làm mới", "menu.view.reloadService": "Tải lại dịch vụ", "menu.view.reloadTodos": "Làm mới lại ds cần làm", "menu.view.resetZoom": "Actual Size", "menu.view.toggleDarkMode": "Toggle Dark Mode", "menu.view.toggleDevTools": "Toggle Developer Tools", "menu.view.toggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen", "menu.view.toggleServiceDevTools": "Toggle Service Developer Tools", "menu.view.toggleTodosDevTools": "Toggle Todos Developer Tools", "menu.view.zoomIn": "Zoom In", "menu.view.zoomOut": "Zoom Out", "menu.window": "Window", "menu.window.close": "Close", "menu.window.minimize": "Minimize", "menu.workspaces": "Workspaces", "menu.workspaces.addNewWorkspace": "Add New Workspace...", "menu.workspaces.closeWorkspaceDrawer": "Close workspace drawer", "menu.workspaces.defaultWorkspace": "All services", "menu.workspaces.openWorkspaceDrawer": "Open workspace drawer", "password.email.label": "Email address", "password.headline": "Đặt lại mật khẩu", "password.link.login": "Sign in to your account", "password.link.signup": "Tạo tài khoản miễn phí", "password.noUser": "No user with that email address was found", "password.submit.label": "Submit", "password.successInfo": "Please check your email", "premiumFeature.button.upgradeAccount": "Nâng cấp tài khoản", "pricing.features.accountSync": "Account Synchronisation", "pricing.features.adFree": "Forever ad-free", "pricing.features.appDelays": "No Waiting Screens", "pricing.features.appDelaysEnabled": "Occasional Waiting Screens", "pricing.features.customWebsites": "Add Custom Websites", "pricing.features.desktopNotifications": "Desktop Notifications", "pricing.features.onPremise": "On-premise & other Hosted Services", "pricing.features.recipes": "Choose from more than 70 Services", "pricing.features.serviceProxies": "Service Proxies", "pricing.features.spellchecker": "Spellchecker support", "pricing.features.teamManagement": "Team Management", "pricing.features.thirdPartyServices": "Install 3rd party services", "pricing.features.unlimitedServices": "Add unlimited services", "pricing.features.upToSixServices": "Add up to 6 services", "pricing.features.upToThreeServices": "Add up to 3 services", "pricing.features.workspaces": "Workspaces", "pricing.plan.free": "Ferdi Free", "pricing.plan.legacy": "Ferdi Premium", "pricing.plan.personal": "Ferdi Personal", "pricing.plan.personal-monthly": "Ferdi Personal Monthly", "pricing.plan.personal-yearly": "Ferdi Personal Yearly", "pricing.plan.pro": "Ferdi Professional", "pricing.plan.pro-monthly": "Ferdi Professional Monthly", "pricing.plan.pro-yearly": "Ferdi Professional Yearly", "pricing.trial.cta.accept": "Yes, upgrade my account to Ferdi Professional", "pricing.trial.cta.skip": "Continue to Ferdi", "pricing.trial.cta.start": "Start using Ferdi", "pricing.trial.error": "Sorry, we could not activate your trial!", "pricing.trial.features.headline": "Ferdi Professional includes:", "pricing.trial.headline.pro": "Hi {name}, welcome to Ferdi", "pricing.trial.intro.happyMessaging": "Happy messaging,", "pricing.trial.intro.specialTreat": "We have a special treat for you.", "pricing.trial.intro.tryPro": "Enjoy the full Ferdi Professional experience completely free for 14 days.", "pricing.trial.terms.automaticTrialEnd": "Your free trial ends automatically after 14 days", "pricing.trial.terms.headline": "No strings attached", "pricing.trial.terms.noCreditCard": "No credit card required", "pricing.trial.terms.trialWorth": "Free trial (normally {currency}{price} per month)", "service.crashHandler.action": "Reload {name}", "service.crashHandler.autoReload": "Trying to automatically restore {name} in {seconds} seconds", "service.crashHandler.headline": "Oh no!", "service.crashHandler.text": "{name} has caused an error.", "service.disabledHandler.action": "Enable {name}", "service.disabledHandler.headline": "{name} is disabled", "service.errorHandler.action": "Reload {name}", "service.errorHandler.editAction": "Edit {name}", "service.errorHandler.headline": "Oh no!", "service.errorHandler.message": "Error", "service.errorHandler.text": "{name} has failed to load.", "service.restrictedHandler.action": "Upgrade Account", "service.restrictedHandler.customUrl.headline": "Ferdi Professional Plan required", "service.restrictedHandler.customUrl.text": "Please upgrade to the Ferdi Professional plan to use custom urls & self hosted services.", "service.restrictedHandler.serviceLimit.headline": "You have reached your service limit.", "service.restrictedHandler.serviceLimit.text": "Please upgrade your account to use more than {count} services.", "service.webviewLoader.loading": "Loading {service}", "services.getStarted": "Get started", "services.login": "Please login to use Ferdi.", "services.serverInfo": "Optionally, you can change your Ferdi server by clicking the cog in the bottom left corner.", "services.serverless": "Use Ferdi without an Account", "services.welcome": "Welcome to Ferdi", "settings.account.account.editButton": "Edit account", "settings.account.accountType.basic": "Basic Account", "settings.account.accountType.premium": "Premium Supporter Account", "settings.account.accountUnavailable": "Account is unavailable", "settings.account.accountUnavailableInfo": "You are using Ferdi without an account. If you want to use Ferdi with an account and keep your services synchronized across installations, please select a server in the Settings tab then login.", "settings.account.buttonSave": "Update profile", "settings.account.deleteAccount": "Delete account", "settings.account.deleteEmailSent": "You have received an email with a link to confirm your account deletion. Your account and data cannot be restored!", "settings.account.deleteInfo": "If you don't need your Ferdi account any longer, you can delete your account and all related data here.", "settings.account.headline": "Account", "settings.account.headlineAccount": "Account information", "settings.account.headlineDangerZone": "Danger Zone", "settings.account.headlineInvoices": "Invoices", "settings.account.headlinePassword": "Change password", "settings.account.headlineProfile": "Update profile", "settings.account.headlineSubscription": "Your subscription", "settings.account.headlineTrialUpgrade": "Get the free 14 day Ferdi Professional Trial", "settings.account.headlineUpgradeAccount": "Upgrade your account & get the full Ferdi experience", "settings.account.invoiceDownload": "Download", "settings.account.manageSubscription.label": "Manage your subscription", "settings.account.successInfo": "Your changes have been saved", "settings.account.trial": "Free Trial", "settings.account.trialEndsIn": "Your free trial ends in {duration}.", "settings.account.trialUpdateBillingInfo": "Please update your billing info to continue using {license} after your trial period.", "settings.account.tryReloadServices": "Try again", "settings.account.tryReloadUserInfoRequest": "Try again", "settings.account.upgradeToPro.label": "Upgrade to Ferdi Professional", "settings.account.userInfoRequestFailed": "Could not load user information", "settings.account.yourLicense": "Your Ferdi License", "settings.app.accentColorInfo": "Write your accent color in a CSS-compatible format. (Default: #7367f0)", "settings.app.buttonClearAllCache": "Clear cache", "settings.app.buttonInstallUpdate": "Restart & install update", "settings.app.buttonSearchForUpdate": "Kiểm tra cập nhật", "settings.app.cacheInfo": "Ferdi cache is currently using {size} of disk space.", "settings.app.cacheNotCleared": "Couldn't clear all cache", "settings.app.currentVersion": "Current version:", "settings.app.form.accentColor": "Accent color", "settings.app.form.adaptableDarkMode": "Synchronize dark mode with my OS's dark mode setting", "settings.app.form.alwaysShowWorkspaces": "Always show workspace drawer", "settings.app.form.autoLaunchInBackground": "Open in background", "settings.app.form.autoLaunchOnStart": "Launch Ferdi on start", "settings.app.form.automaticUpdates": "Enable updates", "settings.app.form.beta": "Include beta versions", "settings.app.form.closeToSystemTray": "Close Ferdi to system tray", "settings.app.form.customTodoServer": "Custom Todo Server", "settings.app.form.darkMode": "Enable dark mode", "settings.app.form.enableGPUAcceleration": "Enable GPU Acceleration", "settings.app.form.enableLock": "Enable Password Lock", "settings.app.form.enableSpellchecking": "Enable spell checking", "settings.app.form.enableSystemTray": "Show Ferdi in system tray", "settings.app.form.enableTodos": "Enable Ferdi Todos", "settings.app.form.hibernate": "Enable service hibernation", "settings.app.form.hibernateOnStartup": "Keep services in hibernation on startup", "settings.app.form.hibernationStrategy": "Hibernation strategy", "settings.app.form.iconSize": "Service icon size", "settings.app.form.inactivityLock": "Lock after inactivity", "settings.app.form.keepAllWorkspacesLoaded": "Keep all workspaces loaded", "settings.app.form.language": "Language", "settings.app.form.lockPassword": "Mật khẩu", "settings.app.form.minimizeToSystemTray": "Minimize Ferdi to system tray", "settings.app.form.navigationBarBehaviour": "Navigation bar behaviour", "settings.app.form.notifyTaskBarOnMessage": "Notify TaskBar/Dock on new message", "settings.app.form.predefinedTodoServer": "Todo Server", "settings.app.form.privateNotifications": "Don't show message content in notifications", "settings.app.form.reloadAfterResume": "Reload Ferdi after system resume", "settings.app.form.runInBackground": "Keep Ferdi in background when closing the window", "settings.app.form.scheduledDNDEnabled": "Enable scheduled Do-not-Disturb", "settings.app.form.scheduledDNDEnd": "To", "settings.app.form.scheduledDNDStart": "From", "settings.app.form.sentry": "Send telemetry data", "settings.app.form.serviceRibbonWidth": "Sidebar width", "settings.app.form.showDisabledServices": "Display disabled services tabs", "settings.app.form.showDragArea": "Show draggable area on window", "settings.app.form.showMessagesBadgesWhenMuted": "Show unread message badge when notifications are disabled", "settings.app.form.startMinimized": "Start minimized", "settings.app.form.universalDarkMode": "Enable universal Dark Mode", "settings.app.form.useTouchIdToUnlock": "Allow using TouchID to unlock Ferdi", "settings.app.form.useVerticalStyle": "Use vertical style", "settings.app.headline": "Các thiết lập", "settings.app.headlineAdvanced": "Advanced", "settings.app.headlineAppearance": "Appearance", "settings.app.headlineGeneral": "General", "settings.app.headlineLanguage": "Language", "settings.app.headlineUpdates": "Updates", "settings.app.hibernateInfo": "By default, Ferdi will keep all your services open and loaded in the background so they are ready when you want to use them. Service Hibernation will unload your services after a specified amount. This is useful to save RAM or keeping services from slowing down your computer.", "settings.app.inactivityLockInfo": "Minutes of inactivity, after which Ferdi should automatically lock. Use 0 to disable", "settings.app.languageDisclaimer": "Official translations are English & German. All other languages are community based translations.", "settings.app.lockInfo": "Password Lock allows you to keep your messages protected.\nUsing Password Lock, you will be prompted to enter your password everytime you start Ferdi or lock Ferdi yourself using the lock symbol in the bottom left corner or the shortcut CMD/CTRL+Shift+L.", "settings.app.lockedPassword": "Mật khẩu", "settings.app.lockedPasswordInfo": "Please make sure to set a password you'll remember.\nIf you loose this password, you will have to reinstall Ferdi.", "settings.app.restartRequired": "Changes require restart", "settings.app.scheduledDNDInfo": "Scheduled Do-not-Disturb allows you to define a period of time in which you do not want to get Notifications from Ferdi.", "settings.app.scheduledDNDTimeInfo": "Times in 24-Hour-Format. End time can be before start time (e.g. start 17:00, end 09:00) to enable Do-not-Disturb overnight.", "settings.app.sentryInfo": "Sending telemetry data allows us to find errors in Ferdi - we will not send any personal information like your message data! Changing this option requires you to restart Ferdi.", "settings.app.spellCheckerLanguageInfo": "Ferdi uses your Mac's build-in spellchecker to check for typos. If you want to change the languages the spellchecker checks for, you can do so in your Mac's System Preferences.", "settings.app.subheadlineCache": "Cache", "settings.app.todoServerInfo": "This server will be used for the \"Ferdi Todo\" feature.", "settings.app.translationHelp": "Help us to translate Ferdi into your language.", "settings.app.universalDarkModeInfo": "Universal Dark Mode tries to dynamically generate dark mode styles for services that are otherwise not currently supported.", "settings.app.updateStatusAvailable": "Update available, downloading...", "settings.app.updateStatusSearching": "Is searching for update", "settings.app.updateStatusUpToDate": "You are using the latest version of Ferdi", "settings.invite.headline": "Invite Friends", "settings.navigation.account": "Account", "settings.navigation.availableServices": "Available services", "settings.navigation.logout": "Logout", "settings.navigation.settings": "Các thiết lập", "settings.navigation.supportFerdi": "Giới thiệu về phần mềm Ferdi", "settings.navigation.team": "Manage Team", "settings.navigation.yourServices": "Your services", "settings.navigation.yourWorkspaces": "Your workspaces", "settings.recipes.all": "All services", "settings.recipes.custom": "Custom Services", "settings.recipes.customService.headline.communityRecipes": "Community 3rd Party Recipes", "settings.recipes.customService.headline.customRecipes": "Custom 3rd Party Recipes", "settings.recipes.customService.headline.devRecipes": "Your Development Service Recipes", "settings.recipes.customService.intro": "To add a custom service, copy the service recipe to:", "settings.recipes.customService.openDevDocs": "Developer Documentation", "settings.recipes.customService.openFolder": "Open folder", "settings.recipes.headline": "Available services", "settings.recipes.missingService": "Missing a service?", "settings.recipes.mostPopular": "Most popular", "settings.recipes.nothingFound": "Sorry, but no service matched your search term - but you can still probably add it using the \"Custom Website\" option:", "settings.recipes.servicesSuccessfulAddedInfo": "Service successfully added", "settings.searchService": "Search service", "settings.service.error.goBack": "Back to services", "settings.service.error.headline": "Error", "settings.service.error.message": "Could not load service recipe.", "settings.service.form.addServiceHeadline": "Add {name}", "settings.service.form.availableServices": "Available services", "settings.service.form.customUrl": "Custom server", "settings.service.form.customUrlPremiumInfo": "To add self hosted services, you need a Ferdi Premium Supporter Account.", "settings.service.form.customUrlUpgradeAccount": "Upgrade your account", "settings.service.form.customUrlValidationError": "Could not validate custom {name} server.", "settings.service.form.darkReaderBrightness": "Dark Reader Brightness", "settings.service.form.darkReaderContrast": "Dark Reader Contrast", "settings.service.form.darkReaderSepia": "Dark Reader Sepia", "settings.service.form.deleteButton": "Delete service", "settings.service.form.editServiceHeadline": "Edit {name}", "settings.service.form.enableAudio": "Enable audio", "settings.service.form.enableBadge": "Show unread message badges", "settings.service.form.enableDarkMode": "Enable Dark Mode", "settings.service.form.enableHibernation": "Enable hibernation", "settings.service.form.enableNotification": "Enable notifications", "settings.service.form.enableService": "Enable service", "settings.service.form.headlineBadges": "Unread message badges", "settings.service.form.headlineDarkReaderSettings": "Dark Reader Settings", "settings.service.form.headlineGeneral": "General", "settings.service.form.headlineNotifications": "Notifications", "settings.service.form.icon": "Custom icon", "settings.service.form.iconDelete": "Xóa", "settings.service.form.iconUpload": "Drop your image, or click here", "settings.service.form.indirectMessageInfo": "You will be notified about all new messages in a channel, not just @username, @channel, @here, ...", "settings.service.form.indirectMessages": "Show message badge for all new messages", "settings.service.form.isHibernatedEnabledInfo": "When enabled, a service will be shut down after a period of time to save system resources.", "settings.service.form.isMutedInfo": "When disabled, all notification sounds and audio playback are muted", "settings.service.form.name": "Name", "settings.service.form.openDarkmodeCss": "Open darkmode.css", "settings.service.form.openUserCss": "Open user.css", "settings.service.form.openUserJs": "Open user.js", "settings.service.form.proxy.headline": "HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Settings", "settings.service.form.proxy.host": "Proxy Host/IP", "settings.service.form.proxy.info": "Proxy settings will not synced with the Ferdi servers.", "settings.service.form.proxy.isEnabled": "Use Proxy", "settings.service.form.proxy.password": "Password (optional)", "settings.service.form.proxy.port": "Port", "settings.service.form.proxy.restartInfo": "Please restart Ferdi after changing proxy Settings.", "settings.service.form.proxy.user": "User (optional)", "settings.service.form.recipeFileInfo": "Your user files will be inserted into the webpage so you can customize services in any way you like. User files are only stored locally and are not transferred to other computers using the same account.", "settings.service.form.saveButton": "Save service", "settings.service.form.tabHosted": "Hosted", "settings.service.form.tabOnPremise": "Self hosted ⭐️", "settings.service.form.team": "Team", "settings.service.form.useHostedService": "Use the hosted {name} service.", "settings.service.form.yourServices": "Your services", "settings.services.deletedInfo": "Service has been deleted", "settings.services.discoverServices": "Discover services", "settings.services.headline": "Your services", "settings.services.noServicesAdded": "Start by adding a service.", "settings.services.servicesRequestFailed": "Could not load your services", "settings.services.tooltip.isDisabled": "Service is disabled", "settings.services.tooltip.isMuted": "All sounds are muted", "settings.services.tooltip.notificationsDisabled": "Notifications are disabled", "settings.services.updatedInfo": "Your changes have been saved", "settings.supportFerdi.aboutIntro": "

Ferdi is an open-source and a community-lead application.

Thanks to the people who make this possbile:

", "settings.supportFerdi.bannerText": "Do you want to help us improve Ferdi?", "settings.supportFerdi.headline": "Giới thiệu về phần mềm Ferdi", "settings.supportFerdi.openSurvey": "Open survey", "settings.supportFerdi.textDonation": "If you feel like supporting Ferdi development with a donation, you can do so on both,", "settings.supportFerdi.textDonationAnd": "and", "settings.supportFerdi.textExpenses": "While volunteers do most of the work, we still need to pay for servers and certificates. As a community, we are fully transparent on funds we collect and spend - see our", "settings.supportFerdi.textGitHubSponsors": "GitHub Sponsors", "settings.supportFerdi.textListContributors": "Full list of contributors", "settings.supportFerdi.textListContributorsHere": "here", "settings.supportFerdi.textOpenCollective": "Open Collective", "settings.supportFerdi.textSupportWelcome": "Support is always welcome. You can find a list of the help we need", "settings.supportFerdi.textSupportWelcomeHere": "here", "settings.supportFerdi.textVolunteers": "The development of Ferdi is done by volunteers. People who use Ferdi like you. They maintain, fix, and improve Ferdi in their spare time.", "settings.supportFerdi.title": "Do you like Ferdi?", "settings.team.contentHeadline": "Franz Team Management", "settings.team.copy": "Franz's Team Management allows you to manage Franz Subscriptions for multiple users. Please keep in mind that having a Franz Premium subscription will give you no advantages in using Ferdi: The only reason you still have access to Team Management is so you can manage your legacy Franz Teams and so that you don't loose any functionality in managing your account.", "settings.team.headline": "Team", "settings.team.intro": "Your are currently using Franz Servers, which is why you have access to Team Management.", "settings.team.manageAction": "Manage your Team on meetfranz.com", "settings.team.teamsUnavailable": "Teams are unavailable", "settings.team.teamsUnavailableInfo": "Teams are currently only available when using the Franz Server and after paying for Franz Professional. Please change your server to https://api.franzinfra.com to use teams.", "settings.team.upgradeAction": "Upgrade your Account", "settings.user.form.accountType.company": "Company", "settings.user.form.accountType.individual": "Individual", "settings.user.form.accountType.label": "Account type", "settings.user.form.accountType.non-profit": "Non-Profit", "settings.user.form.currentPassword": "Current password", "settings.user.form.email": "Email", "settings.user.form.firstname": "First Name", "settings.user.form.lastname": "Last Name", "settings.user.form.newPassword": "New password", "settings.workspace.add.form.name": "Name", "settings.workspace.add.form.submitButton": "Create workspace", "settings.workspace.form.buttonDelete": "Delete workspace", "settings.workspace.form.buttonSave": "Save workspace", "settings.workspace.form.keepLoaded": "Keep this workspace loaded*", "settings.workspace.form.keepLoadedInfo": "*This option will be overwritten by the global \"Keep all workspaces loaded\" option.", "settings.workspace.form.name": "Name", "settings.workspace.form.servicesInWorkspaceHeadline": "Services in this Workspace", "settings.workspace.form.yourWorkspaces": "Your workspaces", "settings.workspaces.deletedInfo": "Workspace has been deleted", "settings.workspaces.headline": "Your workspaces", "settings.workspaces.noWorkspacesAdded": "You haven't created any workspaces yet.", "settings.workspaces.tryReloadWorkspaces": "Try again", "settings.workspaces.updatedInfo": "Your changes have been saved", "settings.workspaces.workspaceFeatureHeadline": "Less is More: Introducing Ferdi Workspaces", "settings.workspaces.workspaceFeatureInfo": "Ferdi Workspaces let you focus on what’s important right now. Set up different sets of services and easily switch between them at any time. You decide which services you need when and where, so we can help you stay on top of your game - or easily switch off from work whenever you want.", "settings.workspaces.workspacesRequestFailed": "Could not load your workspaces", "setupAssistant.headline": "Let's get started", "setupAssistant.subheadline": "Choose from our most used services and get back on top of your messaging now.", "setupAssistant.submit.label": "Let's go", "sidebar.addNewService": "Add new service", "sidebar.closeTodosDrawer": "Close Ferdi Todos", "sidebar.closeWorkspaceDrawer": "Close workspace drawer", "sidebar.lockFerdi": "Khoá ứng dụng", "sidebar.muteApp": "Disable notifications & audio", "sidebar.openTodosDrawer": "Open Ferdi Todos", "sidebar.openWorkspaceDrawer": "Open workspace drawer", "sidebar.settings": "Các thiết lập", "sidebar.unmuteApp": "Enable notifications & audio", "signup.email.label": "Email address", "signup.emailDuplicate": "A user with that email address already exists", "signup.firstname.label": "First Name", "signup.headline": "Sign up", "signup.lastname.label": "Last Name", "signup.legal.info": "By creating a Ferdi account you accept the", "signup.legal.privacy": "Privacy Statement", "signup.legal.terms": "Terms of service", "signup.link.login": "Already have an account, sign in?", "signup.password.label": "Mật khẩu", "signup.submit.label": "Create account", "subscription.bestValue": "Best value", "subscription.cta.activateTrial": "Yes, start the free Ferdi Professional trial", "subscription.cta.allOptions": "See all options", "subscription.cta.choosePlan": "Choose your plan", "subscription.includedProFeatures": "The Ferdi Professional Plan includes:", "subscription.interval.per": "per {interval}", "subscription.interval.perMonth": "per month", "subscription.interval.perMonthPerUser": "per month & user", "subscription.planItem.upgradeAccount": "Upgrade Account", "subscription.teaser.includedFeatures": "Paid Ferdi Plans include:", "subscription.teaser.intro": "Ferdi 5 comes with a wide range of new features to boost up your everyday communication - batteries included. Check out our new plans and find out which one suits you most!", "subscriptionPopup.buttonCancel": "Cancel", "subscriptionPopup.buttonDone": "Done", "tabs.item.deleteService": "Delete service", "tabs.item.disableAudio": "Disable audio", "tabs.item.disableNotifications": "Disable notifications", "tabs.item.disableService": "Disable service", "tabs.item.edit": "Chỉnh sửa", "tabs.item.enableAudio": "Enable audio", "tabs.item.enableNotification": "Enable notifications", "tabs.item.enableService": "Enable service", "tabs.item.reload": "Tải lại", "validation.email": "{field} is not valid", "validation.minLength": "{field} should be at least {length} characters long", "validation.oneRequired": "At least one is required", "validation.required": "{field} is required", "validation.url": "{field} is not a valid URL", "webControls.back": "Quay lại", "webControls.forward": "Tới trước", "webControls.goHome": "Trang chủ", "webControls.openInBrowser": "Open in Browser", "webControls.reload": "Tải lại", "welcome.loginButton": "Login to your account", "welcome.signupButton": "Tạo tài khoản miễn phí", "workspaceDrawer.addNewWorkspaceLabel": "Add new workspace", "workspaceDrawer.allServices": "All services", "workspaceDrawer.headline": "Workspaces", "workspaceDrawer.item.contextMenuEdit": "edit", "workspaceDrawer.item.noServicesAddedYet": "No services added yet", "workspaceDrawer.premiumCtaButtonLabel": "Create your first workspace", "workspaceDrawer.proFeatureBadge": "Premium feature", "workspaceDrawer.reactivatePremiumAccountLabel": "Reactivate premium account", "workspaceDrawer.workspaceFeatureInfo": "

Ferdi Workspaces let you focus on what’s important right now. Set up different sets of services and easily switch between them at any time.

You decide which services you need when and where, so we can help you stay on top of your game - or easily switch off from work whenever you want.

", "workspaceDrawer.workspacesSettingsTooltip": "Edit workspaces settings", "workspaces.switchingIndicator.switchingTo": "Switching to" }