{ "app.errorHandler.action" : "Ponovno učitavanje", "app.errorHandler.headline" : "Something went wrong", "feature.announcements.changelog.headline" : "Changes in Franz {version}", "feature.delayApp.headline" : "Upgrade your Franz plan to skip the wait", "feature.delayApp.text" : "Franz will continue in {seconds} seconds.", "feature.delayApp.trial.action" : "Yes, I want the free 14 day trial of Franz Professional", "feature.delayApp.trial.actionShort" : "Activate the free Franz Professional trial", "feature.delayApp.trial.headline" : "Get the free Franz Professional 14-days trial and skip the wait", "feature.delayApp.upgrade.action" : "Upgrade Franz", "feature.delayApp.upgrade.actionShort" : "Upgrade account", "feature.planSelection.cta.ctaDowngradeFree" : "Downgrade to Free", "feature.planSelection.cta.stayOnFree" : "Stay on Free", "feature.planSelection.cta.trial" : "Start my free 14-days Trial", "feature.planSelection.cta.upgradePersonal" : "Choose Personal", "feature.planSelection.cta.upgradePro" : "Choose Professional", "feature.planSelection.free.text" : "Basic functionality", "feature.planSelection.fullFeatureList" : "Complete comparison of all plans", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.cta.downgrade" : "Downgrade to Free", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.cta.upgrade" : "Choose Personal", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.message" : "You're about to downgrade to our Free account. Are you sure? Click here instead to get more services and functionality for just {currency}{price} a month.", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.title" : "Downgrade your Franz Plan", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.subheadline" : "It's time to make a choice. Franz works best on our Personal and Professional plans. Please have a look and choose the best one for you.", "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.welcome" : "Are you ready to choose, {name}?", "feature.planSelection.personal.text" : "More services, no waiting - ideal for personal use.", "feature.planSelection.pricesBasedOnAnnualPayment" : "All prices based on yearly payment", "feature.planSelection.pro.text" : "Unlimited services and professional features for you - and your team.", "feature.serviceLimit.limitReached" : "You have added {amount} out of {limit} services that are included in your plan. Please upgrade your account to add more services.", "feature.shareFranz.action.email" : "Send as email", "feature.shareFranz.action.facebook" : "Share on Facebook", "feature.shareFranz.action.twitter" : "Share on Twitter", "feature.shareFranz.headline" : "Franz is better together!", "feature.shareFranz.shareText.email" : "I've added {count} services to Franz! Get the free app for WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Skype and co at www.meetfranz.com", "feature.shareFranz.shareText.twitter" : "I've added {count} services to Franz! Get the free app for WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Skype and co at www.meetfranz.com \/cc @FranzMessenger", "feature.shareFranz.text" : "Tell your friends and colleagues how awesome Franz is and help us to spread the word.", "feature.todos.premium.info" : "Franz Todos are available to premium users now!", "feature.todos.premium.rollout" : "Everyone else will have to wait a little longer.", "feature.todos.premium.upgrade" : "Upgrade Account", "feature.trialStatusBar.cta" : "Upgrade now", "feature.trialStatusBar.expired" : "Your free Franz {plan} Trial has expired, please upgrade your account.", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.cta.downgrade" : "Downgrade to Free", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.cta.upgrade" : "Choose Personal", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.message" : "You're about to downgrade to our Free account. Are you sure? Click here instead to get more services and functionality for just {currency}{price} a month.", "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.title" : "Downgrade your Franz Plan", "feature.trialStatusBar.restTime" : "Your Free Franz {plan} Trial ends in {time}.", "global.api.unhealthy" : "Nije se moguće povezati na Francove on-line servise. ", "global.franzProRequired" : "Franz Professional Required", "global.notConnectedToTheInternet" : "Sada ste povezani s internetom. ", "global.spellchecker.useDefault" : "Use System Default ({default})", "global.spellchecking.autodetect" : "Detect language automatically", "global.spellchecking.autodetect.short" : "Automatic", "global.spellchecking.language" : "Spell checking language", "global.upgradeButton.upgradeToPro" : "Upgrade to Franz Professional", "import.headline" : "Uvezite svoje Franc 4 servise. ", "import.notSupportedHeadline" : "Franc 5 trenutno ne podržava taj servis", "import.skip.label" : "Želim ručno dodati ove usluge", "import.submit.label" : "Uvezi servise", "infobar.buttonChangelog" : "Šta je novo?", "infobar.buttonInstallUpdate" : "Ponovo pokreni i instaliraj ažuriranje", "infobar.buttonReloadServices" : "Ponovo učitaj servise", "infobar.requiredRequestsFailed" : "Nemoguće učitati servise i korisničke informacije", "infobar.servicesUpdated" : "Vaši servisi su ažurirani. ", "infobar.trialActivated" : "Your trial was successfully activated. Happy messaging!", "infobar.updateAvailable" : "Novo ažuriranje Franz-a je dostupno. ", "invite.email.label" : "Vaša e-adresa:", "invite.headline.friends" : "Pozovite 3 vaša prijatelja ili kolege", "invite.name.label" : "Ime", "invite.skip.label" : "Želim da ovo uradim kasnije", "invite.submit.label" : "Pošalji pozivnice", "invite.successInfo" : "Pozivnice uspješno poslane", "login.email.label" : "Vaša e-adresa:", "login.headline" : "Prijavite se", "login.invalidCredentials" : "E-mail ili lozinka nisu točni", "login.link.password" : "Stvaranje nove lozinke", "login.link.signup" : "Stvorite besplatan račun", "login.password.label" : "Lozinka", "login.serverLogout" : "Vaša sesija je istekla, prijavite se ponovo.", "login.submit.label" : "Prijavite se", "login.tokenExpired" : "Vaša sesija je istekla, prijavite se ponovo.", "menu.Todoss.closeTodosDrawer" : "Close Todos drawer", "menu.Todoss.openTodosDrawer" : "Open Todos drawer", "menu.app.about" : "O aplikaciji", "menu.app.announcement" : "What's new?", "menu.app.checkForUpdates" : "Potraži ažuriranja", "menu.app.hide" : "Hide", "menu.app.hideOthers" : "Hide Others", "menu.app.quit" : "Quit", "menu.app.settings" : "Postavke", "menu.app.unhide" : "Unhide", "menu.edit" : "Uredi", "menu.edit.copy" : "Copy", "menu.edit.cut" : "Cut", "menu.edit.delete" : "Obriši", "menu.edit.emojiSymbols" : "Emoji & Symbols", "menu.edit.paste" : "Paste", "menu.edit.pasteAndMatchStyle" : "Paste And Match Style", "menu.edit.redo" : "Redo", "menu.edit.selectAll" : "Select All", "menu.edit.speech" : "Speech", "menu.edit.startDictation" : "Start Dictation", "menu.edit.startSpeaking" : "Start Speaking", "menu.edit.stopSpeaking" : "Stop Speaking", "menu.edit.undo" : "Undo", "menu.file" : "File", "menu.help" : "Help", "menu.help.changelog" : "Changelog", "menu.help.debugInfo" : "Copy Debug Information", "menu.help.debugInfoCopiedBody" : "Your Debug Information has been copied to your clipboard.", "menu.help.debugInfoCopiedHeadline" : "Franz Debug Information", "menu.help.learnMore" : "Learn More", "menu.help.privacy" : "Izjava o privatnosti ", "menu.help.support" : "Support", "menu.help.tos" : "Terms of Service", "menu.services" : "Services", "menu.services.activatePreviousService" : "Activate previous service", "menu.services.addNewService" : "Add New Service...", "menu.services.goHome" : "Home", "menu.services.setNextServiceActive" : "Activate next service", "menu.todos" : "Todos", "menu.todos.enableTodos" : "Enable Todos", "menu.view" : "View", "menu.view.enterFullScreen" : "Enter Full Screen", "menu.view.exitFullScreen" : "Exit Full Screen", "menu.view.reloadFranz" : "Reload Franz", "menu.view.reloadService" : "Reload Service", "menu.view.resetZoom" : "Actual Size", "menu.view.toggleDevTools" : "Toggle Developer Tools", "menu.view.toggleFullScreen" : "Toggle Full Screen", "menu.view.toggleServiceDevTools" : "Toggle Service Developer Tools", "menu.view.toggleTodosDevTools" : "Toggle Todos Developer Tools", "menu.view.zoomIn" : "Zoom In", "menu.view.zoomOut" : "Zoom Out", "menu.window" : "Window", "menu.window.close" : "Close", "menu.window.minimize" : "Minimize", "menu.workspaces" : "Workspaces", "menu.workspaces.addNewWorkspace" : "Add New Workspace...", "menu.workspaces.closeWorkspaceDrawer" : "Close workspace drawer", "menu.workspaces.defaultWorkspace" : "Sve usluge", "menu.workspaces.openWorkspaceDrawer" : "Open workspace drawer", "password.email.label" : "Vaša e-adresa", "password.headline" : "Stvorite novu zaporku", "password.link.login" : "Prijavite se na Vaš račun", "password.link.signup" : "Stvorite besplatan račun", "password.noUser" : "Ne postoji ni jedan korisnik s tom e-mail adresom", "password.submit.label" : "Pošalji", "password.successInfo" : "Molimo Vas da provjerite svoju e-mail adresu", "premiumFeature.button.upgradeAccount" : "Upgrade account", "pricing.features.accountSync" : "Account Synchronisation", "pricing.features.adFree" : "Forever ad-free", "pricing.features.appDelays" : "No Waiting Screens", "pricing.features.customWebsites" : "Add Custom Websites", "pricing.features.desktopNotifications" : "Desktop Notifications", "pricing.features.onPremise" : "On-premise & other Hosted Services", "pricing.features.recipes" : "Choose from more than 70 Services", "pricing.features.serviceProxies" : "Service Proxies", "pricing.features.spellchecker" : "Spellchecker support", "pricing.features.teamManagement" : "Team Management", "pricing.features.thirdPartyServices" : "Install 3rd party services", "pricing.features.unlimitedServices" : "Add unlimited services", "pricing.features.upToSixServices" : "Add up to 6 services", "pricing.features.upToThreeServices" : "Add up to 3 services", "pricing.features.workspaces" : "Workspaces", "pricing.plan.free" : "Free", "pricing.plan.legacy" : "Premium", "pricing.plan.personal" : "Personal", "pricing.plan.personal-monthly" : "Personal Monthly", "pricing.plan.personal-yearly" : "Personal Yearly", "pricing.plan.pro" : "Professional", "pricing.plan.pro-monthly" : "Professional Monthly", "pricing.plan.pro-yearly" : "Professional Yearly", "pricing.trial.cta.accept" : "Start my 14-day Franz Professional Trial ", "pricing.trial.cta.skip" : "Continue to Franz", "pricing.trial.cta.start" : "Start using Franz", "pricing.trial.error" : "Sorry, we could not activate your trial!", "pricing.trial.features.headline" : "Franz Professional includes:", "pricing.trial.headline.pro" : "Hi {name}, welcome to Franz", "pricing.trial.intro.happyMessaging" : "Happy messaging,", "pricing.trial.intro.specialTreat" : "We have a special treat for you.", "pricing.trial.intro.tryPro" : "Enjoy the full Franz Professional experience completely free for 14 days.", "pricing.trial.terms.automaticTrialEnd" : "Your free trial ends automatically after 14 days", "pricing.trial.terms.headline" : "No strings attached", "pricing.trial.terms.noCreditCard" : "No credit card required", "pricing.trial.terms.trialWorth" : "Free trial (normally {currency}{price} per month)", "service.crashHandler.action" : "Osvježi okvir", "service.crashHandler.autoReload" : "Pokušati ću automatski povratiti {ime} u {sekundi} sekundi", "service.crashHandler.headline" : "O, ne! ", "service.crashHandler.text" : "{name} je izazvalo grešku. ", "service.disabledHandler.action" : "Omogući {name}", "service.disabledHandler.headline" : "{name} je onemogućen\/o", "service.errorHandler.action" : "Osvježi okvir", "service.errorHandler.editAction" : "Uredite {ime}", "service.errorHandler.headline" : "O, ne! ", "service.errorHandler.message" : "Greška", "service.errorHandler.text" : "{name} has failed to load.", "service.restrictedHandler.action" : "Upgrade Account", "service.restrictedHandler.customUrl.headline" : "Franz Professional Plan required", "service.restrictedHandler.customUrl.text" : "Please upgrade to the Franz Professional plan to use custom urls & self hosted services.", "service.restrictedHandler.serviceLimit.headline" : "You have reached your service limit.", "service.restrictedHandler.serviceLimit.text" : "Please upgrade your account to use more than {count} services.", "service.webviewLoader.loading" : "Loading", "services.getStarted" : "Započnimo!", "services.welcome" : "Dobrodošli u Franz", "settings.account.account.editButton" : "Uredi račun", "settings.account.accountType.basic" : "Osnovni račun", "settings.account.accountType.premium" : "Premium račun", "settings.account.buttonSave" : "Ažuriraj profil", "settings.account.deleteAccount" : "Izbrisati račun", "settings.account.deleteEmailSent" : "Dobili ste email s linkom putem kojeg ćete potvrditi brisanje računa. Vaš račun i podatke neće biti moguće vratiti. ", "settings.account.deleteInfo" : "Ako više ne trebate Franz račun, ovdje možete obrisati sve vezane podatke kao i račun.", "settings.account.headline" : "Korisnički račun", "settings.account.headlineAccount" : "Informacije o računu", "settings.account.headlineDangerZone" : "Opasnost", "settings.account.headlineInvoices" : "Fakture", "settings.account.headlinePassword" : "Promijenite lozinku", "settings.account.headlineProfile" : "Ažurirajte profil", "settings.account.headlineSubscription" : "Vaša pretplata", "settings.account.headlineTrialUpgrade" : "Get the free 14 day Franz Professional Trial", "settings.account.headlineUpgradeAccount" : "Upgrade your account & get the full Franz experience", "settings.account.invoiceDownload" : "Preuzmite", "settings.account.manageSubscription.label" : "Upravljajte pretplatama", "settings.account.successInfo" : "Vaše promjene su spremljene", "settings.account.trial" : "Free Trial", "settings.account.trialEndsIn" : "Your free trial ends in {duration}.", "settings.account.trialUpdateBillingInfo" : "Please update your billing info to continue using {license} after your trial period.", "settings.account.tryReloadServices" : "Pokušajte ponovno", "settings.account.tryReloadUserInfoRequest" : "Pokušajte ponovno", "settings.account.upgradeToPro.label" : "Upgrade to Franz Professional", "settings.account.userInfoRequestFailed" : "Nije moguće učitati informacije o korisniku", "settings.account.yourLicense" : "Your Franz License", "settings.app.buttonClearAllCache" : "Očisti memoriju", "settings.app.buttonInstallUpdate" : "Ponovo pokreni i instaliraj ažuriranje", "settings.app.buttonSearchForUpdate" : "Potraži ažuriranja", "settings.app.cacheInfo" : "Franz predmemorija trenutno koristi {size} prostora na disku", "settings.app.currentVersion" : "Trenutna verzija:", "settings.app.form.autoLaunchInBackground" : "Otvori u pozadini", "settings.app.form.autoLaunchOnStart" : "Pokreni Franz sa sistemom", "settings.app.form.beta" : "Obuhvati i beta verzije", "settings.app.form.darkMode" : "Join the Dark Side", "settings.app.form.enableGPUAcceleration" : "Enable GPU Acceleration", "settings.app.form.enableSpellchecking" : "Omogući provjeru pravopisa", "settings.app.form.enableSystemTray" : "Prikaži aplikaciju u sustavskoj traci", "settings.app.form.enableTodos" : "Enable Franz Todos", "settings.app.form.keepAllWorkspacesLoaded" : "Keep all workspaces loaded", "settings.app.form.language" : "Jezik", "settings.app.form.minimizeToSystemTray" : "Smanji Franca u sustavsku traku", "settings.app.form.runInBackground" : "Neka se Franc održava u pozadini i ako je prozor zatvoren", "settings.app.form.showDisabledServices" : "Prikaži ploče s onemogućenim servisima", "settings.app.form.showMessagesBadgesWhenMuted" : "Pokaži nepročitane značke poruka kad se obavještenja onemoguće", "settings.app.headline" : "Postavke", "settings.app.headlineAdvanced" : "Napredne alatke", "settings.app.headlineAppearance" : "Izgled", "settings.app.headlineGeneral" : "Općenito", "settings.app.headlineLanguage" : "Jezik", "settings.app.headlineUpdates" : "Nadogradnje", "settings.app.languageDisclaimer" : "Official translations are English & German. All other languages are community based translations.", "settings.app.restartRequired" : "Promjene postavki zahtijevaju ponovni zagon", "settings.app.subheadlineCache" : "Predmemorija", "settings.app.translationHelp" : "Pomozite nam prevesti aplikaciju na Vaš jezik. ", "settings.app.updateStatusAvailable" : "Nadogradnja dostupna, preuzimanje...", "settings.app.updateStatusSearching" : "Traže se ažuriranja", "settings.app.updateStatusUpToDate" : "Koristite najnoviju verziju Franca.", "settings.invite.headline" : "Pozovi prijatelje", "settings.navigation.account" : "Račun", "settings.navigation.availableServices" : "Dostupne usluge", "settings.navigation.inviteFriends" : "Pozovi prijatelje", "settings.navigation.logout" : "Odjava", "settings.navigation.settings" : "Postavke", "settings.navigation.team" : "Manage Team", "settings.navigation.yourServices" : "Vaše usluge", "settings.navigation.yourWorkspaces" : "Your workspaces", "settings.recipes.all" : "Sve usluge", "settings.recipes.custom" : "Custom Services", "settings.recipes.customService.headline.communityRecipes" : "Community 3rd Party Recipes", "settings.recipes.customService.headline.customRecipes" : "Custom 3rd Party Recipes", "settings.recipes.customService.headline.devRecipes" : "Your Development Service Recipes", "settings.recipes.customService.intro" : "To add a custom service, copy the service recipe to:", "settings.recipes.customService.openDevDocs" : "Developer Documentation", "settings.recipes.customService.openFolder" : "Open folder", "settings.recipes.headline" : "Dostupne usluge", "settings.recipes.missingService" : "Da li neki servis nedostaje?", "settings.recipes.mostPopular" : "Najpopularniji", "settings.recipes.nothingFound" : "Žao nam je, ali ne postoje usluge koje se poklapaju s onima koje tražite. ", "settings.recipes.servicesSuccessfulAddedInfo" : "Usluga uspješno dodana. ", "settings.searchService" : "Potraži servis", "settings.service.error.goBack" : "Nazad do servisa", "settings.service.error.headline" : "Greška", "settings.service.error.message" : "Nemoguće učitati sadržaj usluge. ", "settings.service.form.addServiceHeadline" : "Dodaj {ime}", "settings.service.form.availableServices" : "Dostupne usluge:", "settings.service.form.customUrl" : "Prilagođen server", "settings.service.form.customUrlPremiumInfo" : "Da bi ste dodali samo-hostovane usluge, potreban vam je Premium račun.", "settings.service.form.customUrlUpgradeAccount" : "Nadogradite Vaš račun", "settings.service.form.customUrlValidationError" : "Nije moguće odobriti prilagođeno {ime} servera.", "settings.service.form.deleteButton" : "Izbriši uslugu", "settings.service.form.editServiceHeadline" : "Uredite {ime}", "settings.service.form.enableAudio" : "Omogućite zvuk", "settings.service.form.enableBadge" : "Show unread message badges", "settings.service.form.enableDarkMode" : "Enable Dark Mode", "settings.service.form.enableNotification" : "Omogućite obavijesti", "settings.service.form.enableService" : "Omogućite usluge", "settings.service.form.headlineBadges" : "Unread message badges", "settings.service.form.headlineGeneral" : "Općenito", "settings.service.form.headlineNotifications" : "Obavijesti", "settings.service.form.icon" : "Prilagođena ikona", "settings.service.form.iconDelete" : "Obriši", "settings.service.form.iconUpload" : "Ispusti sliku ili klikni ovdje", "settings.service.form.indirectMessageInfo" : "Vi ćete biti obavješteni o svim novim porukama na kanalu, ne samo o @imenima, kanalima, @ovdje, ...", "settings.service.form.indirectMessages" : "Prikaži značku na svim novim porukuama", "settings.service.form.isMutedInfo" : "Kada je onemogućeno, sve obavijesti, svi zvukovi i sva pozadinska podrška će biti nečujna. ", "settings.service.form.name" : "Ime", "settings.service.form.proxy.headline" : "HTTP\/HTTPS Proxy Settings", "settings.service.form.proxy.host" : "Proxy Host\/IP", "settings.service.form.proxy.info" : "Proxy settings will not synced with the Franz servers.", "settings.service.form.proxy.isEnabled" : "Use Proxy", "settings.service.form.proxy.password" : "Password (optional)", "settings.service.form.proxy.port" : "Port", "settings.service.form.proxy.restartInfo" : "Please restart Franz after changing proxy Settings.", "settings.service.form.proxy.user" : "User (optional)", "settings.service.form.saveButton" : "Sačuvaj uslugu\/e", "settings.service.form.tabHosted" : "Hostovano", "settings.service.form.tabOnPremise" : "Samo-hostovano ⭐️", "settings.service.form.team" : "Tim", "settings.service.form.useHostedService" : "Use the hosted {name} service.", "settings.service.form.yourServices" : "Vaše usluge", "settings.services.deletedInfo" : "Usluga je onemogućena", "settings.services.discoverServices" : "Pronađite usluge", "settings.services.headline" : "Vaše usluge", "settings.services.noServicesAdded" : "Još uvijek niste unijeli niti jednu uslugu.", "settings.services.servicesRequestFailed" : "Could not load your services", "settings.services.tooltip.isDisabled" : "Usluga je onemogućena. ", "settings.services.tooltip.isMuted" : "Svi zvukovi su onemogućeni. ", "settings.services.tooltip.notificationsDisabled" : "Obavijesti su onemogućene.", "settings.services.updatedInfo" : "Vaše promjene su pohranjene. ", "settings.team.contentHeadline" : "Franz for Teams", "settings.team.copy" : "Franz for Teams gives you the option to invite co-workers to your team by sending them email invitations and manage their subscriptions in your account’s preferences. Don’t waste time setting up subscriptions for every team member individually, forget about multiple invoices and different billing cycles - one team to rule them all!", "settings.team.headline" : "Tim", "settings.team.intro" : "You and your team use Franz? You can now manage Premium subscriptions for as many colleagues, friends or family members as you want, all from within one account.", "settings.team.manageAction" : "Manage your Team on meetfranz.com", "settings.team.upgradeAction" : "Upgrade your Account", "settings.user.form.accountType.company" : "Tvrtka", "settings.user.form.accountType.individual" : "Pojedinac", "settings.user.form.accountType.label" : "Tip računa", "settings.user.form.accountType.non-profit" : "Neprofitno ", "settings.user.form.currentPassword" : "Trenutna lozinka:", "settings.user.form.email" : "E-pošta", "settings.user.form.firstname" : "Ime", "settings.user.form.lastname" : "Prezime", "settings.user.form.newPassword" : "Nova lozinka", "settings.workspace.add.form.name" : "Ime", "settings.workspace.add.form.submitButton" : "Create workspace", "settings.workspace.form.buttonDelete" : "Delete workspace", "settings.workspace.form.buttonSave" : "Save workspace", "settings.workspace.form.name" : "Ime", "settings.workspace.form.servicesInWorkspaceHeadline" : "Services in this Workspace", "settings.workspace.form.yourWorkspaces" : "Your workspaces", "settings.workspaces.deletedInfo" : "Workspace has been deleted", "settings.workspaces.headline" : "Your workspaces", "settings.workspaces.noWorkspacesAdded" : "You haven't added any workspaces yet.", "settings.workspaces.tryReloadWorkspaces" : "Pokušajte ponovno", "settings.workspaces.updatedInfo" : "Your changes have been saved", "settings.workspaces.workspaceFeatureHeadline" : "Less is More: Introducing Franz Workspaces", "settings.workspaces.workspaceFeatureInfo" : "Franz Workspaces let you focus on what’s important right now. Set up different sets of services and easily switch between them at any time. You decide which services you need when and where, so we can help you stay on top of your game - or easily switch off from work whenever you want.", "settings.workspaces.workspacesRequestFailed" : "Could not load your workspaces", "sidebar.addNewService" : "Dodajte novu uslugu", "sidebar.closeTodosDrawer" : "Close Franz Todos", "sidebar.closeWorkspaceDrawer" : "Close workspace drawer", "sidebar.muteApp" : "Ugasi obavijesti i zvuk", "sidebar.openTodosDrawer" : "Open Franz Todos", "sidebar.openWorkspaceDrawer" : "Open workspace drawer", "sidebar.settings" : "Postavke", "sidebar.unmuteApp" : "Omogući obavijesti i zvuk", "signup.email.label" : "Vaša e-adresa", "signup.emailDuplicate" : "Već postoji korisnik s tom e-mail adresom", "signup.firstname.label" : "Ime", "signup.headline" : "Prijava", "signup.lastname.label" : "Prezime", "signup.legal.info" : "Prilikom stvaranja Franz računa, slažete se sa sljedećim stavkama:", "signup.legal.privacy" : "Izjava o privatnosti ", "signup.legal.terms" : "Uvjeti korištenja", "signup.link.login" : "Imate račun? Prijavite se.", "signup.password.label" : "Lozinka", "signup.submit.label" : "Napravite novi račun", "subscription.bestValue" : "Best value", "subscription.cta.activateTrial" : "Yes, start the free Franz Professional trial", "subscription.cta.allOptions" : "See all options", "subscription.cta.choosePlan" : "Choose your plan", "subscription.includedProFeatures" : "The Franz Professional Plan includes:", "subscription.interval.per" : "per {interval}", "subscription.interval.perMonth" : "per month", "subscription.interval.perMonthPerUser" : "per month & user", "subscription.planItem.upgradeAccount" : "Upgrade Account", "subscription.teaser.includedFeatures" : "Paid Franz Plans include:", "subscription.teaser.intro" : "Franz 5 comes with a wide range of new features to boost up your everyday communication - batteries included. Check out our new plans and find out which one suits you most!", "subscriptionPopup.buttonCancel" : "Odustani", "subscriptionPopup.buttonDone" : "Završeno", "tabs.item.deleteService" : "Izbriši servis", "tabs.item.disableAudio" : "Onemogući zvuk", "tabs.item.disableNotifications" : "Onemogući obavijesti", "tabs.item.disableService" : "Onemogući servis", "tabs.item.edit" : "Uredi", "tabs.item.enableAudio" : "Uključi zvuk", "tabs.item.enableNotification" : "Omogući obavijesti", "tabs.item.enableService" : "Omogući usluge", "tabs.item.reload" : "Ponovno učitavanje", "validation.email" : "{field} is not valid", "validation.minLength" : "{field} should be at least {length} characters long", "validation.oneRequired" : "At least one is required", "validation.required" : "{field} is required", "validation.url" : "{field} is not a valid URL", "webControls.back" : "Back", "webControls.forward" : "Forward", "webControls.goHome" : "Home", "webControls.openInBrowser" : "Open in Browser", "webControls.reload" : "Ponovno učitavanje", "welcome.loginButton" : "Prijavite se na račun", "welcome.signupButton" : "Stvorite novi korisnički račun", "workspaceDrawer.addNewWorkspaceLabel" : "Add new workspace", "workspaceDrawer.allServices" : "Sve usluge", "workspaceDrawer.headline" : "Workspaces", "workspaceDrawer.item.contextMenuEdit" : "edit", "workspaceDrawer.item.noServicesAddedYet" : "No services added yet", "workspaceDrawer.premiumCtaButtonLabel" : "Create your first workspace", "workspaceDrawer.proFeatureBadge" : "Premium feature", "workspaceDrawer.reactivatePremiumAccountLabel" : "Reactivate premium account", "workspaceDrawer.workspaceFeatureInfo" : "

Franz Workspaces let you focus on what’s important right now. Set up different sets of services and easily switch between them at any time.<\/p>

You decide which services you need when and where, so we can help you stay on top of your game - or easily switch off from work whenever you want.<\/p>", "workspaceDrawer.workspacesSettingsTooltip" : "Edit workspaces settings", "workspaces.switchingIndicator.switchingTo" : "Switching to" }