import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import translateGoogle from 'google-translate-api-x'; import { LIVE_API_FERDIUM_LIBRETRANSLATE } from '../config'; export async function translateTo( text: string, translateToLanguage: string, translatorEngine: string, ): Promise<{ text: string; error: boolean }> { const errorText = // TODO: Need to support i18n 'FERDIUM ERROR: An error occured. Please select less text to translate or try again later.'; if (translatorEngine === 'Google') { const translationResult = await translateGoogle(text, { to: translateToLanguage, autoCorrect: true, }) .then(res => ({ text: res.text, error: false })) .catch(() => ({ text: errorText, error: true })); return translationResult; } if (translatorEngine === 'LibreTranslate') { try { const res = await fetch(LIVE_API_FERDIUM_LIBRETRANSLATE, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ q: text, source: 'auto', target: translateToLanguage, }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); const response = await res.json(); return { text: response.translatedText, error: false }; } catch { return { text: errorText, error: true }; } } return { text: errorText, error: true }; }