import { observable, reaction, action } from 'mobx'; import Store from '../../stores/lib/Store'; import CachedRequest from '../../stores/lib/CachedRequest'; import Workspace from './models/Workspace'; import { matchRoute } from '../../helpers/routing-helpers'; import workspaceActions from './actions'; const debug = require('debug')('Franz:feature:workspaces'); export default class WorkspacesStore extends Store { @observable allWorkspacesRequest = new CachedRequest(this.api, 'getUserWorkspaces'); constructor(stores, api, actions, state) { super(stores, api, actions); this.state = state; } setup() { debug('fetching workspaces'); this.allWorkspacesRequest.execute(); /** * Update the state workspaces array when workspaces request has results. */ reaction( () => this.allWorkspacesRequest.result, workspaces => this._setWorkspaces(workspaces), ); /** * Update the loading state when workspace request is executing. */ reaction( () => this.allWorkspacesRequest.isExecuting, isExecuting => this._setIsLoading(isExecuting), ); /** * Update the state with the workspace to be edited when route matches. */ reaction( () => ({ pathname: this.stores.router.location.pathname, workspaces: this.state.workspaces, }), ({ pathname }) => { const match = matchRoute('/settings/workspaces/edit/:id', pathname); if (match) { this.state.workspaceBeingEdited = this._getWorkspaceById(; } }, ); workspaceActions.edit.listen(this._edit); workspaceActions.create.listen(this._create); workspaceActions.delete.listen(this._delete); workspaceActions.update.listen(this._update); workspaceActions.activate.listen(this._setActiveWorkspace); workspaceActions.deactivate.listen(this._deactivateActiveWorkspace); } _getWorkspaceById = id => this.state.workspaces.find(w => === id); @action _setWorkspaces = (workspaces) => { debug('setting user workspaces', workspaces.slice()); this.state.workspaces = => new Workspace(data)); }; @action _setIsLoading = (isLoading) => { this.state.isLoading = isLoading; }; @action _edit = ({ workspace }) => { this.stores.router.push(`/settings/workspaces/edit/${}`); }; @action _create = async ({ name }) => { try { const result = await this.api.createWorkspace(name); const workspace = new Workspace(result); this.state.workspaces.push(workspace); this._edit({ workspace }); } catch (error) { throw error; } }; @action _delete = async ({ workspace }) => { try { await this.api.deleteWorkspace(workspace); this.state.workspaces.remove(workspace); this.stores.router.push('/settings/workspaces'); } catch (error) { throw error; } }; @action _update = async ({ workspace }) => { try { await this.api.updateWorkspace(workspace); const localWorkspace = this.state.workspaces.find(ws => ===; Object.assign(localWorkspace, workspace); this.stores.router.push('/settings/workspaces'); } catch (error) { throw error; } }; @action _setActiveWorkspace = ({ workspace }) => { this.state.activeWorkspace = workspace; }; @action _deactivateActiveWorkspace = () => { this.state.activeWorkspace = null; }; }